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Does guilt ever go away, what are some tips that can help me in forgiving myself?
4 Replies 4

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Rizza, welcome to beyond blue forums

Oh boy, this is a top question and one I am very interested in. I was nicknamed the "worrier" as a ten by teachers. Excess worry is a sign of anxiety which can develop into more serious issues later.

I cant tell you how bad guilt can be. I'm 59yo and when 19yo I was in a fight with my room mate when I was in the armed forces. He got off worse for wear and I had left a scar on his forehead. Some time later I sought a discharge and then rode 6 hours to where he was stationed to apologise. I passed him driving in a main street and pulled him over. He didn't know it was me as I wore a helmet. When I took the helmet off he asked what I wanted and I told him I was sorry for leaving him with that large scar. He told me to leave him alone and he drove way.

Fast track to 2012 (yes, 37 years later) and I looked him up on Facebook and there he was. I sent him a message of regret and hoped he was ok. The next thing I know his Facebook had extra privacy measures.

I have asked myself a thousand time when can I rid myself of this act? I've passed the situation onto other for their views and no one would punish themselves this much.

Having said that I do know there are some guidelines to rid yourself of guilt. Firs tis to understand its origin. I believe it comes form one parent in my case a controlling mother that forced guilt upon me and my sister to massive levels. She was never satisfied with us...we could never please her enough. We were always worried about if she was happy with us or not. Secondly lack of confidence. This can come from not achieving when you are expected to achieve. We often get this from young people on this forum when their academic levels aren't good and they feel obligated to reach certain levels while their own wish is to leave school and pursue a career in the workplace.

Guilt, worry, lack of confidence all can lead to serious health consequences. These extreme symptoms need IMO some counselling beginning with your GP. With mental illness the preferred avenue is prevention rather than cure because most sufferers of anxiety, depression, PTSD and the like will attest that once you have any of these issues you need to manage it rather than expecting a cure.

By the way eventually in our 50's my sister and I realised our mother was not a positive force in our lives and we no longer see her. And that is one action one can take of many to self help. Sorting your life out.

Tony WK

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi There,

Yes guilt can be defeated.

Often it is near impossible to escape if the situation or people associated are still current and in your face.

But not totally impossible.

There are things you can do to distance yourself from it or atleast dampen its effect on you, and with time it will fade. Sometimes depending on the situation, you will always regret it, but it will not eat you up inside anymore.

We must always recognise not everything is within our control, not everyone thinks the same way and some people are too petty to ever let go of a grudge. You must remove these sorts of people from your life. Its harsh and it sucks especially if you are closely connected to them, but often your strongest ties hurt you the most, and if that's not going to change you need to change it yourself by removing it...

What's more... You must remember what is in the past is in the past, it cannot be changed, only accepted or forgotten... So do your best to move on, don't let other people effect your thoughts or opinions of yourself either.

Hi NaturalTalent,

That was simply a top reply.  In very good perspective.

Tony WK

Thanks Tony...

Its amazing what you can come up with when your in the darkest place of your life...

I came here to talk and that's what I do, but I intended to talk about myself as everyone else does, yet I still have not managed to even draft something to put up.

I love writing but im so hurt and so scared of everything right now I cant even write about myself..

Writing for others is the only thing holding me together at the moment... Last night was almost game over... I cant believe I just admitted that but there it is, ill leave it...

Im just proud that my writing and experience can help others.. Maybe that's why im here, what im meant to do...