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Why would you have this forum, with amateurs trying to solve real problems?
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I acknowledge the need for people to come and talk and find people they can share their troubles and problems with, but mental health is no small problem. It needs the real support of knowledgeable and expert people, who know what they are saying and to whom they are saying under what circumstances.
I would appreciate if there were free expert support for individuals to seek around here and if it is already in place than I do not understand the desire for individuals to seek help from amateurs rather than professionals.
I also strongly believe that individuals have a fear to get their condition be formally branded and named and thus they might fear seeking professional due to certain stereotypes around it. It will be awesome if we can somehow work on developing a society of professionals who are not only professionally sound but are also relatable and approachable to reduce some of the stereotypes that create barriers in seeking right help at the right time. Personally, not until I came across a therapist who I liked as a person, that I was able to see an end to my struggle with depression. Before that, even the most professional and learned people seemed to lose me and aggravated my case. I do believe truly that what doesn't feel right can never be right, so let your gut lead you to your own recovery.
Thank you
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Many- sided personal experiences of the same mental issues Vs diploma...
FNizam, sorry you have found your way in what you feel is the wrong space for you. But before you exit, please take a tour of these forums and check out the number of people who have found them helpful. Your question will answer itself. Or perhaps you decide to hang around a while and find out for yourself. You will always be welcome.
You will also note that many here are already on health plans and monitored by professionals. Obviously, they join the forums because they find here something important that professional care only doesn't provide.
I wish you all the best.
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I too can appreciate your point, however, wether a person is receiving treatment or not, sometimes they may need to vent or express how they are feeling when there is no one around to help. I came here when I was down and out, I don't have a therapist, didn't want family if triends to know but felt I needed to "talk" to someone even hoping someone had experienced a similar situation and foul relate/understand without judgement. When I feel down I come here, I like to read other threads, see if there is anything that may help me or if I can relate to how someone is feeling I'll try and help them. Sometimes we just need a shoulder when there isn't one. When I read other posts I don't feel so alone and if I can relate I feel good about being able to possibly help. Besides all that it costs nothing to come here and get feedback, help, understanding from someone who has first hand experience and not a text book knowledge. There are also done fun word comes and BB Cafes which are great I like to look at when I feel like it. I don't think anyone is trying to replace professional help or suggest mental health is not a serious issue. I think we are all just trying to support each other outside of the "standard" methods with no pressure to have to keep/attend appointments, especially if you don't feel like getting out and about if facing people.
take care
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Hi FNizam,
Thanks for posting. Some of our community champions and other members have covered off why this forum exists and what peer support is, I'd just like to add some data that we have on hand about the effectiveness of this space.
beyondblue regularly evaluates all of its resources and activities to make sure that they're effective. Last year, we conducted some user research with our members here to find out what part these forums play in recovery journeys. Three of our key findings:
• 51% of people reported feeling less depressed or anxious after their last forum visit
• 41% claimed that they have contacted a health professional as a direct result of using the forums.
• 57% indicated that they have made some sort of positive lifestyle change such as diet, meditation or exercise, again as a direct result of using the forums
The majority of people accessing the forums for the first time are doing so in order to seek help, support or information on their own behalf. Half of users (50%) stated that they first accessed the forums because they felt depressed or anxious and wanted support. A quarter (26%) thought they might be experiencing depression and anxiety and were seeking information, highlighting an important role for these forums in terms of guiding people through the initial stages of understanding their condition. A quarter had recently received a diagnosis (24%).
A third (31%) stated that they wanted to connect in an anonymous way, and a fifth (19%) stated that they did not want to let family and friends know how they were feeling. This illustrates an important feature of the online forums in providing a reference point or outlet for those who would otherwise be less likely to engage, out of fear of judgement.
Forums are only part of a broader recovery journey, whether they are the initial step on this journey or accessed along the way. Rarely are forums the only avenue of support that users are accessing (only 6% of our members indicated they had accessed no other avenue of support).
Regarding your point about free professional support - we do have a support service available 24 hours that is staffed by mental health professionals. You can call them on 1300 22 4636.
FNizam, "let your gut lead you to your own recovery" is a good piece of advice. If you have a look through the threads here, you'll see many examples of members empowering people to make decisions about improving their lives. I hope you'll stick around and share some more about what has worked for you on your journey.
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Hi FNizam
Thankyou for your post. I have only been on the BB Forums for 3 months and have found my depressive illness has improved as a result of the sincere support and advice I have received from some very special people on here.
If you wish It would be good to read any coping mechanisms you have that might help others
The BB Forums have been highly therapeutic in regard to my recovery process.
ChrisB..Thankyou for the stats...They speak volumes.
Kind Thoughts FNizam

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