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Why would you have this forum, with amateurs trying to solve real problems?
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I acknowledge the need for people to come and talk and find people they can share their troubles and problems with, but mental health is no small problem. It needs the real support of knowledgeable and expert people, who know what they are saying and to whom they are saying under what circumstances.
I would appreciate if there were free expert support for individuals to seek around here and if it is already in place than I do not understand the desire for individuals to seek help from amateurs rather than professionals.
I also strongly believe that individuals have a fear to get their condition be formally branded and named and thus they might fear seeking professional due to certain stereotypes around it. It will be awesome if we can somehow work on developing a society of professionals who are not only professionally sound but are also relatable and approachable to reduce some of the stereotypes that create barriers in seeking right help at the right time. Personally, not until I came across a therapist who I liked as a person, that I was able to see an end to my struggle with depression. Before that, even the most professional and learned people seemed to lose me and aggravated my case. I do believe truly that what doesn't feel right can never be right, so let your gut lead you to your own recovery.
Thank you
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There are psychologists, psychiatrists or counsellors who have not been through depression themselves, they have learnt from a book, but depression doesn't run by the book, because there are so many different experiences that aren't mentioned in a book of depression.
When I go and see a psychologist the first question I ask them is 'have you had depression' and if they answer 'no' then I walk out, because they don't understand certain points I say to them, because it's not in the book, and by them giving me a general answer won't help me at all.
You have even said this yourself, so all in all I would much prefer to sit down with another who has suffered depression, than pay a psychologist who sees 6 people a day, and after saying that I did see my psychologist for 20 years but I was also talking to people on this site.
I no longer see her, nor do I see anyone else.
I hope that this comment is allowed to stay on the site because I would like to continue with you. Geoff.
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Hello FNizam, I would like to add to what Geoff and Pipsy have said:
The Community Champions on this site, and the general members are not professionals, as you say. But the moderators are. The forum is pre-moderated, which means all posts to this forum are seen by these professionals before they appear on the site. And beyondblue responds to people who these professionals feel at at serious risk. These professionals are in a sense our safety net.
As for why people would use the forum, well I think if you read around the boards thoroughly you will see that many people benefit from talking to others who have been through similar experiences. It's called peer support. And if you read the responses, you will see that in most cases, we encourage posters here to seek help of their doctors or a psychologist.
Also, I suggest you do a bit of googling on studies regarding the effectiveness of peer support. Most find that many people with depression and anxiety benefit from a combination of professional help and peer support from people with lived experience.
As an example, a study by the Centre for Mental Health in the UK found:
These results provide support for the proposition that adding peer support workers to existing mental health teams may result in cost savings as well as a range of other health and social benefits.
This particular study was just about the cost-effectiveness of peer support teams, with lived experience. As we, the peer support network of beyondblue, are volunteers I'd say that makes us extremely cost-effective, as well as personally effective for our members, as evidenced by comments on the forum from the many people who are grateful for the support of others.
But to be honest, most people here don't need academic studies to tell them that peer support works. We've lived it, we know it.
The thing is, if it's not for you then that's fine, but why cast doubt on something that clearly works for other people? What do you have to gain by that, other than perhaps discouraging people who are already in a vulnerable place?
Apologies if you are in fact well meaning. Perhaps you could come back and discuss this further.
Community Champion
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Point taken and certainly with my all my support behind them Geoff.
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OK to keep my post short and simple sometime people don't want medical opinion we just want to feel like we not the only one experiencing this.
Mental health is isolating and not understood by many in the community places like this allows us to connect with others experiencing similar things and that is priceless to so many!
For many of us recovery is through a variety of treatments this is just one part of it, for me it helps greatly to not feel so alone.
It can take weeks or months to get app with phycologist the system is certainly not equipt to deal with the demand these forums help to fill a gap and support while you wait for the help so desperately needed!
Sorry just needed to make a few more comments of my own even though the other post said it so much better well done guys
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Just thought I'd add my opinion too!
I have never suffered from depression or anxiety but someone dear to me has been for many years. I don't understand what it is like. I have read a lot of factual information but it wasn't until I recently started reading these forums that I gained an insight into what living with depression etc can be like.
To those who share their experience, I am grateful. It is through listening to your stories that hopefully the general public as a whole will develop greater compassion & understanding for those who suffer from mental illness & we can work towards removing the stigma.
Keep up the great work everyone! xx
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Thank you ci and Lightbeam, your comments are very much appreciated. They really mean a lot. xx
As an interesting aside, we have this morning had a new member join who came to the site on the recommendation of their doctor.
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Hi All
Very interesting topic.
I personally have not come here expecting my problems to be resolved by people on this forum.
I see professionals and am guided by them. However coming here and communicating with people who are on the same journey as me has been insightful. And I personally appreciate every person who has taken the time to respond to any of my posts.
It doesn't replace the professionals I see but rather supplements it.
So thank you Beyond Blue and the team, as well as the contributors for having such a forum which gives people across the country an opportunity to connect and share their sufferings. It's always good not to feel alone.