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Technologicaly inept, borderline agrophobic and desperate.

Community Member
Hi, I am completely useless with tech, have no friends to help me and can barely get out of the house for shopping let alone to undergo training or attend in person support groups. I joined up in the hopes of chatting with someone/some people in real time and I don't know where to turn or what to do. I only have a land line (no mobile) and it is in the loungeroom with my elderly mother so I can't talk on the phone with any privacy. I just need a little bit of human interaction. Can someone please help or point me in the right direction?
4 Replies 4

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Odd Duck~

There is a phone based non-religious organization called Life-Link Samaritans 1300364566 who talk wiht people, they are not a crisis line and sometimes are busy so oyu get no answer, however they do have a friendly demeanor and might well be worth a try if you want a chat.

I'm not sure about you mother being in the same room, the normal answer would be a cordless phone which you can take in the next room.

Croix (who likes you picture)

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Odd Duck

Just my humble opinion.....you arent completely useless with Tech. You posting on the forums shows that you are okay with Tech...and good on you!

I echo Croix's thoughts about the cordless phone....which you can walk around the house and even outside if you wish. Real time conversations are difficult yet the phone number above sounds good 1300 364 566

If the line is busy there are always many gentle people on the forums that can be here for you too....I understand that its not in real time yet we are very good listeners Odd Duck

That is a very cool profile pic 🙂

Im Paul and its good to meet you

hey blondguy, I should say that I am ALMOST completely useless with tech.....I started trying to use/navigate this site first thing in the morning and managed to actually do it some 3 and a half hours later, lol. As for the cordless phone thing, I would LOVE to get one that would work but for some unknown reason, the pathetically small town I had to move back to after a particularly devastating break up (AFTER he had spent my entire life saveings), has some weird inability to carry a mobile/wifi/anything that allows privacy, to the back of our tiny apartment which is a) where my room is, and b) only 4 meters from the lounge where the afore mentioned mother spends every wakeing AND sleeping moment of her life anyway. (insert frustrated sigh here) SOOOOOOOO lovely idea but already tried it (insert silent scream here!). anyway I tend to cope best, or at least most often, with humour so I'm not actually that bad to chat with, at least that is what my last shrink said before she was (I shit you not) diagnosed with cancer and had to quit....A person is likely to get a wee bit o a complex when she manages to give her shrink CANCER!!!... I know that's not actually the case but that should give you a slight insight into my fractured psyche. The point is I need some other people to chat with digitally without waiting for hours for any kind of reply, and I was hoping that someone here might be able to point me in the direction of a site that might be similar to this one that would have nice, caring people who are, at very least LESS likely to try to break my fragile self into itty, bitty, rocking-back-and -forth-in-the-corner-crying, pieces. I have no idea what to even google to find something like that, and I get so frustrated and upset trying to work this damn computer that I just wind up crying and have to walk away before I put my foot through the darn thing.

I have read a bunch of the suggestions from/for others but my tiny town has only a few shrinks, and as I said the only one I liked got cancer and left, and I have tried so many antidepressants over the many years I have suffered depression and the more recent crippling anxiety, and none have helped, in fact most had the OPPOSITE effect. I am at the end of my rope. Even an idea of what to search for/google would be great.



Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Odd Duck

A key word is webchat, providing you steer clear of dating sites you may find something. A bit like old fashioned pen-pals but with instant communication would be good.

I'd not give up on the phone. If you house has a conventional old fashioned handset type phone (many NBN boxes have a port for this) then a long extension cord will put the phone wherever you want. - worth investigating.

I read your joke and am resisting the temptation to respond in like kind, in case we both get thrown off:)
