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Community Member

New to the forums. Feeling a bit freaked. I've had GAD for a while now but today was my first day taking meds for it and I feel weird. Googled around and thought I'd have a go at talking to people on forums to see what their experiences have been. Ironic that I'm anxious about taking anxiety medication.. but here we are 🙂 😕
1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Mangos,

Welcome to Beyond Blue. I hope you find the support here that you are looking for. Online support may not be for everyone, but for some it's great. And I for one love it!

I've had anxiety and depression for most of my life and have been in and out of support services all my life as well.

It's great that you are here, reaching out. I am confident you will find like-minded people here.

As for the feeling weird thing, it could be a combination of getting used to the medication, and learning how to deal with GAD in a different format than previous attempts.

Anyway, not sure what else to say. Just that I hope you like it here. xo