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New to forums and my sleep challenges

Community Member

Being my first post here, I don't quite know what to expect or how to write down everything in my racing head right now.

But, I'll start with the basics; I am suffering with Generalised Anxiety and depression. I've been working with my psychologist since November and have had some great improvements since then. Having said that, my most recent session was my toughest so far - it was like any normal session and we had some time to go through some of my original material. When looking at triggers and what was on the list, we found that some were now more relevant than others.

When it came to the part of the cycle about behaviours, the top one was sleep/lack of sleep. Even after 6 months, sleep is still a problem. I sleep way too much or not enough, and even when I do sleep it is broken and rough. If I have a good nights sleep, I still wake up feeling foggy and tired no matter what.

She asked how long it had been like that, and when I really thought about it, I realised the sleep issue has been around for 5+ years. This shocked me.

When pondering it more, I noticed that the same event pops into my head. I was happy and don't remember sleep problems prior to the event. I spoke about it, and explained the event and didn't realise the tears had started.

Tonight, I write this at almost 4am because I can't sleep. I have work in a matter of hours and I know I need to sleep but all my normal methods don't seem to help - my mind is racing too much for anything to help.

So - in closing, Hello to everyone, I don't know how active I will be or if forums will help me but I thought I'd give it a try.


1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Dragongirl,

Welcome to the forums!

It sounds like you have made a lot of progress with your psychologist, I can understand though that not being able to sleep properly can be very frustrating! You mentioned normal methods, may I ask what you usually do?

You are demonstrating a lot of insight by realising that prior to the event you don't remember having sleep problems. After you spoke to the psychologist about the event did she give you any tips to cope with this?

Here for you!