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Community Member


im so confused, I feel empty , like the lights are on but nobody is home.. I’ve suffered with anxiety depression for the last 11 years, but atm its really bad, the medication I was in stopped working so the psychiatrist changed it, although they are increasingly the dosage of every few weeks, I don’t think it’s working , instead I’m feeling over whelmed, I keep crying all the time, for no apparent reason .
I’m due to move out of a rental this weekend, I don’t know whether to sign a new lease or move back into the house with my ex husband so I have some support . I just don’t know what the right thing to do is atm ? I’m having trouble concentrating doing my job as well . So any suggestions ?? Please

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Save me,

Thanks for reaching out to us- we're sorry to hear that you are going through a challenging time. Posting here can be a great step in addressing these things.

It sounds like you might benefit from a second professional opinion if you feel your current meds are losing their effect and maybe making you feel worse, as you say. This thread may help you with that process: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/treatments-health-professionals-and-therapies/are-you-looking-for-a-doctor-therapist-or-support-group.

As for your lease ending and what to do next, we are always here if you like someone to chat and provide with you some advice/similar experiences. A listening ear and a fresh perspective can do wonders, especially when we are at a crossroads with a bid decision to make, as you say you are. Perhaps you could also ask the second mental health professional what they think you should do as well, if you reach out to one.

Feel free to check back with us and let us know how you are doing.
