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Hi guys,

I used to be part of a worldwide suicide support form where I helped countless people of all ages with various life issues. I’ve decided to join an Australian support forum to support my local aussies 🙂

Do note that I’ve never used my display name on this forum anywhere else before, I’m doing this with a new name to remain annonomous.

I first got into helping people a few years after making it as a successful YouTuber with over 100,000 subs (I won’t be mentioning the channel name on this forum). I opened up discord servers, and so on allowing my community (mostly children) to talk to me and ask questions about my videos and so on, but a lot of them came to me for support instead, and little did I know that I’d stop over 4 children from ending their life just by taking to them and being there to support them when nobody else was.

Right now I’m saving up enough money so that I can build a passive income that earns me enough money to live off so that I can foster or adopt children (mainly boys) across Australia without requiring a job (as my passive income from investments will support me). I want to give those children the full attention they deserve without any other stresses or distractions. That’s my dream and life goal.

I won’t have be able to devote a great deal of time to the forum at the moment due to work and so on, however, you’ll see me around whenever I have time to help out. I look forward to changing lives for the better 🙂

4 Replies 4

Community Champion
Community Champion


Welcome to this forum. Thanks for introducing yourself and explaining what you have be doing.

I am wondering how you are after giving a lot of support to others and I hope you have people who support you.


Interestingly enough through helping many people I’ve learned that everyone is different in both their goals and requirements to achieve happiness.

My greatest joy comes from helping others. In school I always made friends with autistic children or those who had no friends. While all the “cool people” were forming groups and trying to rise in popularity, I ignored it all becauseI knew it wasn’t as important as people thought it would all be.

I’ve used this strategy to help a lot of high school students suffering from suicidal thoughts. They tell me they have no friends because they aren’t good looking or popular etc, I tell them to take notice of others who seem to have no friends and so on, and go over to them and be as kind of possible (doesn’t have to be in the same year as you). Using this method, you’ll always make a new friend 🙂

To get to the point though, I have experienced my fair share of difficulties in life, but I’ve learned that for me, it’s not about having others supporting me, it’s about me supporting others and from their happiness towards me for what I do for them, I experience exactly what I need to get through life happily 🙂

Hi Sky31,

Thank you for your lovely post and it's so nice that you're here wanting to support people!

It sounds like you've been so proactive and successful in creating a Youtube account and I love that you're wanting to foster and adopt children. That sounds like a very selfless but very rewarding goal!

If you're interested in helping out more you might want to look at being a Blue Voices member - I do that (as well as this community stuff), and there's lots of ways you can help out.


Look forward to seeing you around on the forums and please shout out if there's anyway we can help or if you have any questions! 🙂


Funnily enough I’ve never come across the word “selfless” before and I thought you were saying that a was being “selfish” 😛

I was sitting here wondering how exactly foster care could be selfish and I was getting worried, then I googled the word and I got it. You certainly learn something new every day!

Thanks for the link, I’ll put that on hold for now as I’m only on here for 10 minutes a day and still getting used to everything but I’ll definitely sign up in future 🙂