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New Member Introduction

Community Member

Hi everyone

New member today.

I'm a 43 year old female that has just reached the point in her life where nothing is interesting, no motivation, worn out, and have a mountain of past issues to work through, traumas, emotions, substance abuse, several medical conditions, and ..........

Now trying to turn things into the positive, I am seeking all the help and support I can get.

I want to live again .

6 Replies 6

Community Member

Hi Mina!

Sounds like things are pretty tuff for you atm. Here to listen/share

Community Member

I feel the same way you do. Not just saying that to make you feel better.  I feel broken inside and I want to heal but I have so much of the past that keeps following me like my shadow. Night time is the worst because all my mind does it revisit the past and then I am full of regret. Sometimes I wish I could just wake up with amnesia. I feel completely lost at times.  The only person I have which gives me motivation is my son and he is the ONLY reason I want to wake up in the morning. 

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello beautiful soul, welcome to our forums, we're happy to hear from you. I'm so sorry to hear that you've been struggling, everything you've mentioned can be so taxing on a person's mental health, so your feelings are justified. I know I can relate to your struggle of having no motivation and feeling worn out in particular.


I commend your courage in reaching it, it's such an important first step in your healing journey.


Have you had a chat to your GP, or a therapist or psychologist recently? You may find that they can help you work through the aftermath of your past struggles, and can offer you some professional advice and strategies to assist you in your healing journey.


Do you have any hobbies you enjoy? Even if it's for five minutes at a time, engaging in something that brings you some joy can be quite therapeutic if you feel like you're struggling. For me, this looks like painting, or singing, or even journalling. Hobbies can also encourage our minds to consolidate some of our more difficult feelings, as some activities can be great means of emotional expression.


We're here to support you, and please feel free to reach out and chat with us some more. We'd love to hear more from you.


Take care, SB

Mark Z.
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Mina1979,


Welcome to the forum.


I do understand your frustration. As entering middle age, we all have different challenges, physical, mental, financial, workplace, family, life purpose, etc. But it's good to know that you're actively facing them, including to seeking all kinds of support and coming here. These decisions are important to bring you back to the right track.


When you feel comfortable, please feel free to share your story, so that we can share our experience and help.

Hope everything will be better.



Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Mina1979, terrific and a great approach to begin your healing, if I could just say that when anyone is recovering they may hit a brick wall, sometimes this is good, although at the time it may not seem that way, but what happens is that it may introduce something that's new and you hadn't even considered or perhaps an issue you have been trying to push away, but try not to let this defer you, all issues need to be addressed.


Life Member.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Mina1979,


Welcome to the forums, I hope you find what you are looking for here. It is great you want to make a change and are acknowledging your past traumas and experiences. We are more than happy to help you at the BB forums.


Please reach out if you need,

Jaz xx