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New here, introducing myself

Community Member

Hey everyone,


I'm new here and thought I would introduce myself and talk a little about my experiences. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and complex trauma 3 years ago. I was hospitalised last year and ever since coming out and adjusting my medications to the right dosage, making lifestyle changes such as exercise, yoga, meditation and journaling I have been doing well mostly.


I love talking to people about wellbeing and encouraging others to try healthy habits because they have changed my life. I wanted to join this community to meet other people and talk about mental health because I don't really know anyone else who is opening struggling and it would be nice to gain some other perspectives.


I've had a difficult past few weeks with some of my symptoms coming back such as low mood, loss of interest in activities I usually enjoy and paranoia and I wanted to know how other people deal with this when it occurs? Some things that I have found helpful in the past for managing these feelings have been meditation and yoga, even if I don't feel like it I still make an effort because I know it will help. 

3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Gia222~

Coming to the forum to help, or to gain assistance -or both- is an excellent idea and I"m sure if you  look around you will find many opportunities for both.


I'm sorry you are on a downward curve at the moment however others too have experience this. While I have a different illness I can quite understand when you say you don't feel like doing those things htat you know might be helpful. Motivation does appear to be one of the first things to evaporate:(


I'm impress you are able to overcome that feeling and press on .


We do have a very long thread full of posts by people wiht bipolar, worth a look, do not be put off by the size, just pop in




For complex trauma there are probably too many to mention, searching for "CPTSD" using the  spyglass at the top of every page will bring you more than you more than 200 results.


A warm welcome ot you








Community Member

Hi Croix,


Thank you for your response. 

I'm glad you can understand the feeling even if you are affected by a different illness. I will be sure to check out both threads for bipolar and CPTSD. I think being here and connecting with others with the same issues will be very helpful for me at this time. 

Thanks again for your help and welcome, I hope you are having a wonderful day.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Thanks Gia222~

Sometimes it takes a little pacience for you find what you are looking for however I assure you whatever it is you will find it hidden here somewhere.




Is another that does not deal with CPTSD but does encompass some of the same symptoms and problems.


Good luck in your search

