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How do I give myself a kick in the butt, and get motivated

Community Member

So, this is my first time ever posting in a forum.... Lets see how it goes. 

I'm a 44 year old mother of 2 - I live on a small farm in rural NSW and have a great life, I really that I don't have any reason for continually feeling "down, tired, zero motivation" Usually I can give myself a little talking to and get myself up an going - but this only last for a while, and then we are back to where I am now. I just want to stay on the positive/happy trail, and get off the merry-go-round that i have been stuck on for many years.


I would just like to talk to someone (who doesn't charge a fortune) who isn't local (small town issues of privacy) and who has practical "common sense". 

Maybe writing in this forum, someone will reply who I can connect with and that will be the start of something new .....  


1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear GBV,


A very warm and caring welcome to our forums…


I have asked myself that question many, many times, it’s really hard isn’t it to get any form of motivation sometimes…I also live in a very small country town and can understand about the privacy of one’s life…


Today, well for a while now I’ve not been motivated enough to even doing simple household chores…Washing needs doing, floors need mopping, the list goes on and on..I know I hate it this way and with a bit of self discipline I could do better….😃…but for now, I’m doing the best I can and that’s good enough….


GBV, just wondering if you’ve spoken to you’re Dr about how your feeling?…


We have a thread on BB titled “Small achievements you’ve managed today”…where members can list their small  achievements on that thread,  which then hopefully helps to inspire and encourage other members….If you feel up to, you can read or/and post on the thread any time you want to….


One thing I find helps to motivate me, into housework is listening to a cd, singing along with it and adding a few dancing steps…(if you can call it dancing) while I’m working along…🤗..


Hope your day gets better and better, kind thoughts..🌈🤗.
