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Intro & Query

Community Member

Hi all' - introducing myself my name is Chris, I have issues like everyone else does but feel I have good degreee of sanity, knowledge & options, plus I'm a great judge of character...but moving on -

I just wanted to be more social.. chat & meet like minded others' as it would help alot .

On this forum so far I cant reply to a single thread so I find that very odd..


I've had numerous psychology sessions to date & don't mind proving as such wht I hve discussed & learnt on various mental health topics.



2 Replies 2

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Strydz & welcome to the forum.

May I suggest, there is an FAQ section which has lots of info about how to use the forum, including how to post replies.

Just quickly, though  at the right hand side of each post, including the original post of each thread, there is a button labelled, 'Reply'. This opens a text box for you to type in, exactly like the text box you used to make this thread. When done typing your response, below the text box, there is another 'Reply' button you need to tap/click.

I hope that helps.

I'm sure you will find people here who would welcome hearing about your experiences & your suggestions for what might help them with similar things you've had to deal with. Take a look around, especially into the areas where you think you can best relate to.

Again, welcome.



Community Member

Thanks, I see the button there now but it was definately not there as previously sighted- perhaps a glitch happened