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Man Therapy = Social Sterotype Therapy ?

Community Member

Dear BB,

There are so many types of man I guess this ad is geared at poking fun and creating awareness.    It's soooo much better than MY NAME IS ANXIETY.   Although I do have one question - it kind of implies that men need therapy and yet some men, say Nelson Mandela or Johnny Rotten, might not need or be beyond therapy.   Assumptions, assumptions.   Lol.

Adios, David.

14 Replies 14

Dear Christopher,

The performance footage demonstrated a lot of things - nerves of steel (possibly due to the Ironwood surname), a respectful crowd, great range and end flourish, left handed (and therefore right brained, hence the slightly improvised, chaotic, imaginative, creative persona that makes a good actor) and Dr Brian absolutely nailed it.

I was left with one question:  how many ochre jumpers does he have ?  Seriously, the leap of faith from the sportsters was amazing. The top (?) Bb sublime.

Adios, David.

PS  Your Online working system description should be in a box - More about Beyondblue - for all to have access to rather than my poxy thread.  I am too lazy to find that post so I hope you don't mind a cross post.  My wife is doing her monthly "Gef off that stupid forum" routine.  She believes it makes me manic.  Go figure.  One persons stress/control is another persons humanity/calm.

Hi David, it's a good idea, incorporating 'how the forum works' in somewhere easier to find.  I'll have a chat to the website people.  

Someone mentioned it in another thread, but have you thought about writing a book, or having a blog? You enjoy writing, you're good at it, you're funny, and it'd be another creative outlet.  Imagine your wife's surprise when the next time she says get off the forum you say "I'm writing my memoirs". :0


Online Community Manager

Dear Mr Christopher,

A book, A book, My kingdom for a Book !   (Or was it a horse ?  Shakespeare).

I think I did a book 3 years ago and the publisher said it "was too realistic".  Probably only a better best seller if you actually die !  Plus, they get to keep the royalties.     I am thinking of getting a hunch back for Christmas.  If truth be told I have to be crazy composer for my regular work which means being more open with my public persona would detract from our entertainment/educational facet.   Also, when it comes to dealing with musicians I usually end up abusing them with bipolar stress.  Not sure if a blog on negative mood swings would be that interesting.  Garden gnomes, yes.  Annon responding is a breeze in comparison.

Dr Brian Ironwood could link in with Dr Rich Mahogany (USA Man Therapy) and one other from a Mental Health Team and thus could form "The Three Black Dog Tenors".   I have booked the Rome Coliseum for Summer 2016.  $4,000 a ticket.  Free pizza.  Theme:  "A night without anti depressants or Judge Judy".

Adios, David.

Dear Hugh (ex Community Advisor), Christopher (Online Community Manager) and Moderators Cat,

Colorado Office of Suicide Prevention are outlined above as to initiating the USA "mantherapy" website.     It was interesting, whilst watching the NBC news at 4am today (as you do when you are sleep bounced with psych illness) that the only two USA State sites that have Health Care sign up (Obamacare) working are Kentucky and Colorado.   Other states have media reports of taking up to 17 days to log on or that the Federal Site is way below programming standards required and actually gets personal info BEFORE the applicant can chose which health facility to go with.  (Something even Amazon don't do).   1.  Choice   2. Selection being an old tradition handed down from buying bread or Ferrari's.

The paradox here is that we all HATE hospital admin, doctor's receptionists, waiting on line for a phone to be answered and generally can't stand being treated as a number or even (to get a joke in before 9am) "that bloke with the big feet that came in last week" (viz, Geoff - size 14, my long term responding fellow responding responder).  And yet, without all the computer programming, website fine tuning, mods, Online staff in general, most health care or,in an extreme case, suicide prevention wouldn't stand a chance and would definately not be as effective.

Just.  Saying.   The System sucks and The System saves.

Adios, David.


Dear Christopher Banks,

The current Man Therapy image on the opening page of the BB website features Dr Brian Ironwood.   Is it a coincidence of marketing that his desk contains a phone that might link to Beyond Blue ?   The colour of the phone is blue.

Yes, I am putting off walking my dog in the heat.

Adios, David.