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How do I rotate my profile photo?

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
dear Christopher can you please rotate my new photo and secondly how can I do it as there's no arrows to change it, being an illiterate pc user. Many thanks Geoff.
4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
dear Troopers thank you. If you like you can delete this post. Thanks Geoff.

Dear Geoff,

Exactly how many chairs do you have in your house ?  There could be a separate section of Responders photos through the years.  Or "Chairs that I had sat on with my dog Moo Moo".  After my family has taken a million photos of my dog I asked them once to take one of me for the BB site and they all said "Why ?".  As I have not yet purchased a big enough chair for me and my dog I will have to wait.

Adios, David.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Geoff, if you find you've got photos the wrong way round, click on the file and they should open in the Windows Live Photo Gallery.  Up in the top left should be a button marked "Edit, Organise or Share". Click that, and it'll go to a folder with all your pics in it.  

Along the top bar, you should then see a whole range of editing tools such as resize, rotate, add effects etc.

If that doesn't work, open the pic up in Paint, there's a rotate function in there.


PS. I have one scarf and no chair.

Online Community Manager

dear David Charles, my friend, what's the saying 'you show me yours and I'll show you mine. lol

This photo was taken at an elderly couples place, just as the others were.

I'm pleased my hands were big enough to hold Moo-Moo up. Geoff.