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Community Member
Hi so in highschool I didn't have many friends but I was popular because
I was really impulsive because I suffer from ADHD so this caused great pain when I left highschool
I worked in construction and got bullied so I left I haven't worked since I have had few flings with women but never anything serious and struggle cause I also learnt that I have Asperger's. I just find it hard to trust people my parents didn't get along while growing up they had a lot of fights. I haven't had many friends since highschool just acquaintances I learnt I had Asperger's once I got experience with women.now I no why I got bullied why life has been so hard I find it hard letting go of the past I'm so lonely but I'm also so distant I have seen a psychiatrist and have gotten better and help but I still find it so hard to be normal I got my driver's licence but it took me 5 years of trial and area. I'm decent looking guy and in really good shape so no-one believes me I'm so sensitive to touch and it makes it hard to have any friends I am on Centrelink and they are helping me but I still got these issues. I want to do boxing or something to get better I have been rejected so much because of my Asperger's and I have to try four times harder then everyone else it gets tiring after while I'm so lonley but do distant on a positive note this corona virus had sparked me to want to do boxing after this and gym. Like to hear from other people ☮️ peace.
3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Athletic

Firstly, thanks for posting- we're happy to have you here, and we are here to listen.

It sounds like you've had some ups and downs- I hope the psychiatrist helps somewhat. But I know it can be hard to not feel isolated or 'different' because of your situation in the meantime. Know you aren't alone- like you, it took me ages to get my river's licence and I'm itching to return to the gym after the virus lockdown is over. What draws you to boxing? Feel free to chat here, if you like. The BB social zone is also a great place to make connections and help reduce lonliness: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/bb-social-zone.

Let us know how you travel, if you like!

Community Member
I just think it will get me out of fear . I overthink alot thanks for the reply 🙂.

Hi Athletic,

No worries at all, we are always here to listen about what's going on for you or just have chat. I hope boxing does help reduce some fear/anxiety for you 🙂