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Community Member
My life isn't all that different in isolation and I am blessed to still have my job and my beautiful children here with me.

And yet I feel profoundly lonely and just do sad. I feel like I'll never climb out. I'm scared of never being ok. I'm just in so much pain. I feel guilty too because there is nothing wrong. I am one of the lucky ones.
3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
Hi Jo76,

Welcome to the forums.

I think there are a lot of us suffering from survivors guilt at the moment. Especially when the current situation might be making our lives easier (i.e. working from home).

However depression or mental health issues can hit anybody, regardless of circumstances. Just because your circumstances are pretty good compared to others, doesn't mean anything if your brain isn't getting enough 'feel good' chemicals.

Have you felt like this before or for a long period of time?

Maybe you could take the Beyond Blue depression and anxiety test and see how you score? It might be worth talking to a professional.


Kind thoughts, Jess

Community Member
Thank you for your reply. I have suffered from depression and anxiety for most of my life. I was going well but now I am in the lowest depression I've had in years. I will keep putting one foot in front of the other and hopefully it will pass soon. It is just so hard at the moment.

Community Champion
Community Champion


When you are in that valley it can seem like the path is endless. I also see some determination in your post - putting one foot in front of the other. The other thing is that you came here to talk to others about how you are feeling - the people here are very supportive. Jess' reply has some useful information in it.

Can I ask if you had spoken to anyone before about what are going through now? If so, can you remember what exercises (mental) to do to help?

There are threads on the forums here for grounding and mindfulness that might give you some ideas as well. I hope you might come back and share more of your story.

Listening to you.
