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Just saying hi

Community Member

Hi. I just joined today. I have had anxiety depression and PTSD for 38 years and I go okay for a while then off it goes again. I’m sure that’s familiar. Actually the anxiety never goes.

Anyways, I’m from central coast nsw married with one child, lonely scared and tired ☺️

2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi downtherabbithole31,

welcome to beyond blue.

While I one user on the forums, there are plenty of users on the forums with a lived experience, so please know that you are not alone. And you can safely talk here without fear of judgement from other users.

I have depression and anxiety, have a psychologist and psychiatrist that I also speak to. They help keep me on the straight and narrow, along with ADs. And I am married with 2 teens, and a pet cat.

Is there anyone you know that you can talk to? Anyone in your family?

In your initial post you mentioned being tired - is that because you have problems sleeping? That was one of the first things my psychiatrist addressed with me. Other than the cat waking me for feeding, I would wake up thinking about work and related problems. If sleep is one of your problems I can give you a few suggestions I was given? Let me know if that would work for you?

Perhaps if you could tell me a little more of your story that might help me give you a better response. But I want you to know that I am listening.

Peace and comforting thoughts,


Community Member

Just saying Hi.

I suffer from STPD (SchizoTypal Personality Disorder). With Severe Anxiety & Depression...