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Just need to chat.

Community Member
Hi everyone. Just signed up so I can have a place to chat about my depression and anxiety. Feel I am losing the battle.
23 Replies 23

Hi there jacquiems (and everyone else ) i am new here to i understand what you are going through whilst our situations may differ it seems that we all end up in the same rut however in reading the posts i feel we are somewhat more normal as there are many of us here. On our own we feel emotionally drained and alone but by having people who are going through the same thing it makes iteasier for me to speak and not feel ashamed about its seems that together we can be strong and fight it together and not be alone as we all seem to want to prop up each other to get us out of "the rut"

Community Member

Hi. I’m new on here. I’m just at a point I feel so helpless. I have a good job and 3 healthy adult children, 19 to 23, whom are my world. I live alone. Divorced 4 years now. I have a social partner but it’s more for company than love. For both of us. But my life story since birth is long and filled with titanic sadness. I’m a good man and a hero to my kids and I have friends etc and I have talents n I’m strong n healthy......

but everything is just such a mess and I cannot seem to find the good in anything anymore and I’m exhausted and find myself crying to sleep or in tears in the shower. I wish for so many things to change but I cannot change these things and the hard part for me is that a lot of my problems are not caused BY me.... a lot are bad memories or my deep feeling I have wasted a big part of my life on others and now I’m left with nothing and they have everything because of me. I feel hurt, used and very much alone.

I now often have thoughts of just giving up but I can’t bring myself to do that because there are those that depend on me to be strong..... which in itself is a heavy weight.

I feel numb. 😞

Community Member

Hi micky.

i just read your post it was a while back. I’m sorry to hear what you have gone through. How are you feeling now? I’m going through a tough time aswell. Have really bad anxiety it’s paralysing. I’m always in constant fear. Would love to chat with you if your free to. Hope your in a better place at the moment. I’m really struggling. Starting a new medication in July I hope it works and my life turns around. Do you have people to talk with? If not I’m here to listen.

Community Member
Hi, I know that feeling. When you keep giving to other people it can be exhausting. This is a time when you have to sit back and focus on yourself for a change, eg nurturing yourself. It's easy to get lost in all of this when you're continually giving. Please shift the focus onto yourself. It's important. You sound like a decent person. We always need a rest from this. It doesn't matter how long that is, you'll know? It could be days, weeks or even months, there is no time frame. Put yourself first. Only then can you find the strength to help other people. Take care, xx

Community Member

Hi ,

I have a lot going on in my live and don’t want to bother my friends because it’s not something the should worry about but anyway last month or so I’ve been so anxious and now I’ve distanced my sec from so many people

Community Member

Hello everyone, at the moment I’m suffering from anorexia and in a dark place

and what’s worse is my mum is losing a lot of weight and is very depressed what do I do?

Hi Anna-lisa, 

We are really sorry to hear that you are suffering with anorexia, that must be incredibly difficult. Thank you for showing the courage to reach out for support on the forums - that is a very brave step to take. It also sounds like you are supporting your mum on her own journey towards mental health. We would encrouage both yourself and your mum to reach out to the BeyondBlue phoneline (1300 22 4636) and speak to one of the trained professionals there. 

Another wonderful resource is the Butterfly Foundation which specialise in supporting people with eating disorders. You could give them a call on 1800 33 4673 or try their webchat service at https://butterfly.org.au/get-support/chat-online/.

Hopefully there are some good places to start for you. Thank you again for being a part of the community and feel free to drop back in and let us know how you are going when you feel ready.

Kind regards, 

Sophie M 

Community Member

First we have drought, now the virus. I feel so! So!

I am an over 50 always been the rock for my family, but I can't keep up any more.

for instance we are primary producers (hay contracting & cropping) and in business the ato wants you to use online more & more, but i do not understand it, the accountant has no idea what i am talking about, and i feel we are missing out on any help because we are behind. i have some what computer skills, my husband has none. when i asked ato is there anywhere i can go to learn what i need to know there response was keep surfing you will figure it out. My point being is i feel i am like crazy dog chasing my tail, getting now were. this is only one of many issues i am trying so hard to cope with. i do everything in this household, my husband is now on antidepressants as we have had to start liquidating ( for far less than worth ) and he does as much farm work as he can.. but my biggest issue is i cant use the phone anymore, sounds silly really but if a phone rings i cringe like cat to a dog

Hi Sueondafarm, it does seem like it is never ending. I live in a rural community and have a small business with my husband. Areas around us have been touched by the drought, & then fires early last year and then Covid. Lucky for our town we are also a tourist destination so once lock down ended mid last year our town has been very busy & we’ve had done good rain for the farmers. In town though we are still on water restrictions. I am just under 50 and do all of the books for work etc. Although not too bad on the computer, I too at times find it’s very frustrating trying to source information on the internet & via the ATO. This was especially elevated trying to navigate all of the new rules & regulations about running a business during Covid and being compliant. Even now, I feel anxious that we still could be shut down at anytime due to a case of Covid, it’s always lurking in the background. At times I feel it all too much & very overwhelming. I developed really bad anxiety last year and was not coping at all. Even these last few days, I haven’t been able to motivate myself & find myself on the lounge in tears. During this time I have also started going through peri menopause/menopause and this hasn’t helped, only heightened how I’ve been feeling. The joys of being a woman ! My husband as well has no idea on computers and doing the pays, BAS etc so I get where you are coming from there and feeling like you are being burdened with all of the stress. Although I haven’t really helped you, maybe you mightn’t feel so alone. Take care & reach out if you need. SD

SD0102 is nice you took the time to reply

At this point in time for me I wish I had a close friend, no one to talk to is sending me up the wall,, sometimes feel like doing a shirley valentine (if you have ever watched the movie ) .. finished doing my books today to try and get help, rather a shocker $149,000 in loss, hard bullet to take,, would be nice if ato would offer once in awhile to do business seminars with Q&A time ,, but that would consist of common sense,, i have no confidence in our gov .. don't think would be appropriate to say what i really think