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I need help with relationships

Community Member


So at the moment in dating someone who has aspergers and hes amazing but i cant tell if he likes me anymore

Also i like two people the person im with and my ex but my ex likes me and im not sure if the person im dating likes me...and like my ex has deep anixety and is awkward so even if i got with them it would be the same just strangers so im comfused.. I like both of them but i dont know if i do...im so comfused and just need someone to help...im 100% comfused with my feelings...and that makes it hard to decide things, im debating wether i should be alone for awhile..but when i am..im really sad i rely on people...to make me happy..ugh i hate this, just someone help or tell me about your experience with someonething like this..it would help alot


1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Melissa_

Welcome to the forum. From waht oyu have said I"m guessing you have two people in your life, both are awkward and have anxiety, the one you are dating is not letting you know if you are liked. On the other hand your ex does like you.

You are unsure of your feelings for either and are feeling very confused.

It seems obvious neither is giving you feelings of security and partnership.

Have I got that right?

Your idea of being away from both of them for a bit might help, though I don't know what the effect of your absence would have on one or both of them. What do you think?

Do you have any family or friends you could visit with for a bit if you decided a break was the best thing?
