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Hullo there

Community Member

Been passively reading these forums for a little bit, and I figure today I'll make an account and start being an active member

What strikes me is how broad the causes for these disorders are - some of us experienced something traumatic or are having to deal with something understandably tough, whereas others just... are?

I fall in the second category there, and I've been a little reluctant to get help or speak to anyone since it's just manageable enough to not seem worth getting folks concerned for your sake. Anyways, that's a bad way of thinking and I'm looking now to change that.

Appreciate being added to the forums, look forward to being active (and heck, encourage any other lurkers here to do the same haha)

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi M-Fox,

Welcome to Beyond Blue. And congrats on moving from a 'lurker' to an active participant!

I recall watching a movie years ago called 'girl interrupted' and from what I recall, it was about a girl who developed some sort of mental health issue, but without any significant 'cause' or 'reason. Your comment of "whereas others just... are?" made me think of that movie.

I hope that you find here, the support and understanding you seek.

Take care, and keep posting. xo