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Community Member
Hi all, never done this before but struggling atm and thought maybe a chat will help
2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Kevthered,

Welcome to Beyond Blue! Hope you find the support and understanding here that you are seeking.

And remember, whatever it may be that you are struggling with, will pass. Nothing stays exactly the same forever. we all have our up and down days, but luckily, we don't all have them on the same day at the same time!

Take care, and keep in touch.

Hi, welcome

Superlicious is right- it will pass. The trick is finding ways for it not returning. That's a challenge Kethered

We do have advantages here in that we are operational 24/7/365. You can post here anytime and then wait for a response. We have a team of champions just waiting for your post. We champions also have mental challenges like you so we do understand.

We are also anonymous so talk away what is bothering you.

You are special to us. We respect you and want you to get better.
