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Do you feel comfortable on the forum?
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Hi Everyone,
I've just been having a look at some of the posts on the forum and have once again been aware that some people make a thread, post once and then we don't seem to hear from them again.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, I am just wondering why that might be the case.
Do any of you have any suggestions?
Can you think of ways people may feel encouraged to continue posting?
o you personally feel welcome on the forum?
Connecting with others on this forum can be so rewarding in many different ways.
I also realise a lot of people just read and don't post and that is okay as well.
Are there ways we can make people feel more welcome here?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts and ideas.
Cheers to you all from Dools
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Hello Dools
What a great and important thread topic!
Just a note if I may Dools about new members receiving a response to their initial post
I think that new and existing members posts/thoughts are just important as a long term member/champion
I understand the reasons why we dont have immediate chat enabled as it would be super expensive for Beyond Blue and the site would be inundated with ads which none of us want
Just a note of reassurance to any new posters that we will do our best to respond to you as quickly as we can!
Thankyou Dools for another excellent thread topic 🙂
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Hi Paul,
Thanks for commenting here. I too feel that every person connecting to the forum is important and their words are very worthwhile.
I'm just wondering if some people are maybe frustrated that responses are not immediate due to the format of the forum like you suggested.
Do some people feel uncomfortable once they have posted?
Do some people feel like they have been misunderstood?
Does their mental health issue prevent them in some way from continuing with connection?
Are some people happy to ask a question then sit back and read the replies with out connecting again?
We all connect here for different reasons. There is no right or wrong way to connect here.
Guess I just want to find ways to help people make the most out of the forum!
Cheers again!
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Thank you for making this post! It's so important and so I'm going to bump it up so more people can see it.
As a CC too I reply to a lot of posts, and some people don't come back. It's super tricky for me because I wonder if it was helpful, if I missed the mark, did I say something wrong, did they feel heard..? I have to tackle my brain and it's a lot of never-ending anxiety!
Having said that though, I also totally get that posting is hard, especially for the first time. If people don't feel like replying, that's totalllly okay.
Anyways, I hope more people can contribute to this thread. I know that there are so many limitations of the forum but I'd love to know what more I/we can do and how to help people feel super included and welcome.
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Hello everyone
Thank you Mrs Dools for bumping this thread up. Great work.
I'm with you and Romantic, I too wonder about whether I've hit the mark when I've responded to a new poster. It's hard sometimes to know if you've said too much, not enough, said the wrong thing or in fact the person is so appreciative of what you've written there's no need for further posting.
I'd like to know how I can improve on my responses to people, so let me know if you think I've overstepped the mark, or totally misunderstood. Alternatively, some positive feedback is also good too for us. It helps us to know that we're giving you the support you need.
Mrs Dools and Romantic have asked a few questions - we'd love to hear what you think about whether you're feeling included or welcomed to the forums?
The forums are for you the community. The CC's are here to help make it a place for people with mental illness to want to come to, to listen, to share (if you want to), to ........?
Kind regards
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Hi Romantic_thief, PamelaR and All,
I'm under the assumption that we may never know the reason why some people only post once and that is okay.
My suggestion is that we don't second guess ourselves and the responses we give people, as I am sure we all try to provide the best reply we can at the time.
People have an opportunity to respond either way to what is written on their threads. Maybe some people just don't feel a need to post again.
I'm not wanting to question the quality of people's replies here, just wondering how we can encourage people to engage with the forum.
I believe we all have something to contribute! Let's all congratulate ourselves for even wanting to be here to help and assist others.
Cheers all from Dools
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Hi Dools and all,
I just wanted to add to what Paul (Blondguy) said about the fact that new member's posts are just as valuable as any other member's posts ... very often I see new members post a thread and they are beautifully supported by another new member, and that is just as valuable as any other response that may be posted by another longer term member, or a volunteer Champion.
I think there's beautiful support here regardless of badges etc ... the new members often do a superb job of supporting each other despite not totally knowing the ropes.
Go team BB.
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Hi all
Don't be discouraged by those that post intermittanly. Sometimes other issues posted may make one question the importance of our own issues.
As a relatively new and intermittent poster I would like to assure the long timers that your help and suggestions ,based on your experience,have offerred me great insight and ways to cope far beyond a visit to my psychologist.
Some of us may be shy of opening up but I have gained a lot from reading CC comments and advice.So much , that I have started to deal rationally with what I thought was insurmountable and have secured employment after being a stay at home mum for over 18yrs.
So thank you,your ,efforts and care are not in vain.You all may never know what a valuable contribution you make.But you have in mine,so a heartfelt thank you.xx
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Hi Birdy,
Thanks for your comments, I totally agree with you, I have read many amazing posts from people who have just joined the forum, along with posts from people who have been here for a while.
We all combine to make this forum a special place. I know there are many people who just read and don't post at all, that is okay too. This forum is here for us all no matter how we choose to use it.
Hi Ruby 2,
Thank you for your comments as well. I'd just like to say that I feel that everyone's issues and questions are important. One person may think others have so much to deal with, to me , an issue is an issue regardless of it's conceived size.
That is the blessing of this forum, all people can be heard, accepted, and have issues acknowledged and validated.
Congratulations to you for being able to move ahead and make changes in your life, that is exciting!
I hope you and others feel comfortable and welcome to use this forum in which ever way helps and assists you.
Hopefully everyone will know that if they do choose to contribute, once or many times, they are most welcome.
Cheers all from Dools
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Good morning everyone
Lovely to see you here Ruby 2.
Okay Mrs Dools, I think I'm hearing you correctly. We're not going to second guess ourselves. We're here to help and support in whatever way we can. Your questions are good.
Hello Birdy, we haven't caught up in a long time. Good to be listening to you. You're so right. I love to read posts from someone new to a new person. It's heartwarming. Their contribution is valued as any others. I'd love to see more new people post to other posters too. It would be so good to see the community as it's envisaged.
I've noticed since a few of us weren't around last week, that there has been an increase in new people posting to newer ones. Great to see.
Wave to Blond Guy - missed you last week 🙂
Kind regards