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Sophie_M Meet your community champions!
  • replies: 10

Hi everyone, We wanted to share with you the way that our wonderful Community Champions are here to support you. You may have noticed that a few of our Forums members are labelled ‘Community Champion’. Community Champions are volunteers within the Be... View more

Hi everyone, We wanted to share with you the way that our wonderful Community Champions are here to support you. You may have noticed that a few of our Forums members are labelled ‘Community Champion’. Community Champions are volunteers within the Beyond Blue Forums who: have the time, skills and empathy to support other members regularly; help to welcome new members; are actively engaged members that help set the tone of our community. Our Community Champions are regular contributors to many conversations across the forums. They are a consistent and friendly voice that have committed to sharing their experience and expertise with this community. They are not health care professionals or clinicians. Like you, they have an experience with a mental health challenge or diagnosis – either for themselves or someone they care for. This forum is for people who understand what it feels like and have a lived and living experience of mental health challenges. Our Community Champions help everyone feel comfortable and confident by demonstrating what excellent peer support is all about. Click here to find out more about how you can become a Community Champion! This incredible team are excited to introduce themselves below, and we are sure you’ll see them around the forums in conversations important to you.

Aaronsis HELP..Am I posting in the right section?
  • replies: 10

Welcome to those who are considering posting for the very first time, welcome. Thought I would repost part of the words that Chris B posted awhile ago, (2014) as I can hear that people are unsure if they are posting in the right section or worried th... View more

Welcome to those who are considering posting for the very first time, welcome. Thought I would repost part of the words that Chris B posted awhile ago, (2014) as I can hear that people are unsure if they are posting in the right section or worried that they are posting "the wrong thing". 1.A good title makes the difference Just like a headline in a newspaper, when scanning the dozens of threads to click into, it’s only natural that people will choose the ones that resonate with them most. A title that entices the reader, or asks a question, is likely to get a better result than something non-descriptive like “Depression” or “I don't know what to do”. If you think you’re not good at choosing titles, leave it till last. Spend time writing your post, then perhaps choose a sentence from what you’ve written as the title. 2.Join in threads that have already been posted We all have our own unique stories, but part of the reason for joining a forum like this one is because you know that you will have a lot in common with others who are posting. Before starting a new thread, have a look through the current topics being discussed and see if there’s a conversation you can join in with. It can be quite common to have a handful of very similar threads happening at any one time, with members seemingly unaware that there are others right there who are going through the same thing. Talking to other members on their threads is a great way of getting yourself known so that when you post a thread of your own, people may respond quicker because they recognize your name. 3.Choose the most appropriate section for your post Many people browse the forums looking for stories specifically to do with pregnancy and parenting, employment, grief, loss, separation etc. Going straight for the “Depression” section may seem like the easiest option, but this section is often the busiest, so your post is more likely to get lost among the threads. Making good use of the different forum sections not only helps keep the forum relevant, but you’re more likely to find others who are going through the same experiences as you. Also, if you're wanting to discuss issues of trauma, abuse, suicidal thoughts or self-harm, it's really important you post in the designated section to avoid triggering others who may not wish to read about these topics. Mostly..just come and chat, we are here for you. Our amazing wizards in the background will see your message ends up in the right spot. Sarah

All discussions

Tash_93 Hey! :)
  • replies: 2

Hey everyone, I’ve always been a really bubbly and happy person, whilst having horrid anxiety and depression. The last few years has gotten worse and its seems harder to cope using my current mechanisms (going to the gym and focusing on work). Seeing... View more

Hey everyone, I’ve always been a really bubbly and happy person, whilst having horrid anxiety and depression. The last few years has gotten worse and its seems harder to cope using my current mechanisms (going to the gym and focusing on work). Seeing everyone’s introductions have been great and I feel less alone.

bitter_biscuit Struggling
  • replies: 5

Hey guys Recently, my body has felt so out of tune... I've been getting heart palpitations, shortness of breath and every physical symptom you can think of...They happen pretty much everyday even when I'm not having a panic attack. Every morning I wa... View more

Hey guys Recently, my body has felt so out of tune... I've been getting heart palpitations, shortness of breath and every physical symptom you can think of...They happen pretty much everyday even when I'm not having a panic attack. Every morning I wake up I am anxious and hopeless. I find that there is no longer joy in my life. I went to my GP today and they confirmed nothing was wrong with my physical health, and referred me to a psychologist. I haven't been yet but I really hope that one day I can return to my regular self and be happy again. Has anyone else also experienced similar physical sensations with their body? And if so how are you holding up now? I sometimes get this dreadful feeling that I'm about to die... I hope everyone is doing their best and taking things day by day :))

Jlee_lily Hello I am new
  • replies: 4

Hi all.. Im new here, I’ve never seemed help before. I guess this is my first step. I’m not 100% myself and I haven’t been for a while now.. has anyone else experienced so much sadness but not knowing why? My life I know isn’t bad.. and I have t gone... View more

Hi all.. Im new here, I’ve never seemed help before. I guess this is my first step. I’m not 100% myself and I haven’t been for a while now.. has anyone else experienced so much sadness but not knowing why? My life I know isn’t bad.. and I have t gone through anything traumatic. But I find I am not myself. I cry historically over minor things, I think very negative and I find I self sabotage my relationship and cause arguments for no reason. I don’t know what to do. I’ve lost my happy self and I feel like I’ve been trapped in a vicious cycle for such a long time now.

AnneRa Hello
  • replies: 3

Hi, everybody I have a problem with fears... Intellectually, I know there's nothing real about these fears, but I can't help it... I am being treated and I hope that I can just tell you here about the painful things that are happening to me Thank you... View more

Hi, everybody I have a problem with fears... Intellectually, I know there's nothing real about these fears, but I can't help it... I am being treated and I hope that I can just tell you here about the painful things that are happening to me Thank you for your understanding and support !

o0 3ree6ixty 0o Hi
  • replies: 5

Hi I am a 14 year old boy in nsw suffering depression the cause of my depression is from being bullied in primary school

Hi I am a 14 year old boy in nsw suffering depression the cause of my depression is from being bullied in primary school

buddy1610 20+ years of Anxiety and Depression
  • replies: 2

Hi everyone,I’ve been on antidepressants for over 20 years for anxiety and depression tried several different ones and doses. My current dose is working but I still have small amount of anxiety and depression. I would just like some feedback from any... View more

Hi everyone,I’ve been on antidepressants for over 20 years for anxiety and depression tried several different ones and doses. My current dose is working but I still have small amount of anxiety and depression. I would just like some feedback from anyone in a similar situation? Your feedback will help so much thank you

Viormoon life crisis?
  • replies: 3

I feel like life was so much easier during Covid or in the hospital earlier this year, selfish enough to say while there are people living in distress and hopelessness. It was because I didn't have to adhere any expectations and was able to dive into... View more

I feel like life was so much easier during Covid or in the hospital earlier this year, selfish enough to say while there are people living in distress and hopelessness. It was because I didn't have to adhere any expectations and was able to dive into my favourite hobbies. I realised the consequences. During Highschool back around 2015 was when I was in year 10. I thought It was normal to feel depressed, to self-harm. It's not okay no matter how you look at it. But i didn't realise that fully a few years later, that I should've asked for professional help. School's have support systems that I didn't know could help me at the time because I thought I had to carry it myself. My closest friend at the time telling saw the cuts and supported me whenever she can. Anyway, never thought to be diagnoses back then. After highschool, I started studying at tafe since I thought Uni seemed to overwhelming from the first day. Was that an act due to anxiety? But I had nightmares involving going to highschool and was relieved I was finally free (occurred during the start of 2020). Recently I've taken on 3 casual jobs and attended 1 volunteer day. Thoughts race in my head everyday resulting to extreme thoughts of: why am i even working? money doesn't seem satisfying anymore. i want a purpose in life. what are my goals even? is there even a place in this world that my career choices align with what i want to do instead being controlled by fear? Did I take on 3 jobs because I feared societal expectations as others I've encountered have part-time jobs, not working in fast food. Currently i am enrolled in cert iv in vet nursing as well but i dread it everyday. everytime i bring myself to study it. I don't think its because i find it difficult to learn, but cause im disinterested in the content. It makes me question if I should change my career pathway. Yet everyone seems to say its good to be disciplined to complete it so there's a backup option. During my term 1 break last 2 weeks, I've been studying about mental health instead of vet nurse. procrastination much? Talked to my careers counsellor. said to be a teacher which was interesting. Anyways, today i quit one of the jobs. Will try and bring myself to contact my gp to see a psychologist. but then again do i need to see one comes to mind, or am i just burnt out? do i have a mental illness or am i just overreacting. Is this what everyone experience or just me? is this black and white thinking? What is wrong with me?

BELLAXX79 Always nervous wants to help
  • replies: 2

Hello all I would love to help anyone and everyone I have anxiety depression and schizophrenia affective

Hello all I would love to help anyone and everyone I have anxiety depression and schizophrenia affective