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- What's a normal experience with ADHD meds?
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What's a normal experience with ADHD meds?
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To preface, I am suspected ADHD, potential narcolepsy but that's in the air. The psychiatrist I saw was very helpful, overall kind and took action, but conservative with the prescriptions (greatly appreciated). I've taken a narcolepsy medication for a few years but it's too expensive without the narcolepsy diagnosis (which was too expensive to get). Regardless, I was having issues more akin to ADHD at that time, and this medication didn't necessarily help with the psychological aspect, apart from overall more stable, elevated, and less agitated mood (all very appreciated). But, like I said, too expensive and circumstances would have it that I can't keep it up.
The psychiatrist trialed me on a stim and I was a little baffled. The first day I don't think I took enough and felt entirely unmedicated (lethargic, irritable, unfocused, in about 10 hours with the laptop open I wrote maybe 7 footnotes on a complete essay body). The next day I took more (still recommended dose) and I certainly wasn't energetic and probably could have laid down for a nap if I'd had the time, but I could tell within maybe 20mins of taking it that the stinging sleepiness in my eyes (had just started after being awake for 2 hours) just kind of receded. Thought my heart rate went up for a second but it may have been psychosomatic.
I didn't feel super motivated or productive but I did the work bc I knew it would pay off (never done this before). I was bored but didn't get up and rummage through everything. I also didn't have any change to appetite, though the sugar craving reduced slightly (I ate bread instead, yum). Most of all I was less distracted, I actually said to someone "I don't have a song playing in my head right now, I've never not had that" (promptly told to get over myself), and around 4 hours after taking it I knew it had left the system bc it struck me I had been discussing life in my own head with the imaginary Dr for a solid ten minutes.
I don't know what I expected but it wasn't that. I didn't feel like my mood was elevated (beyond not being miserably anxious/tired, which was pretty good), and I definitely didn't feel energetic, racing, super productive, or wired. I felt less wired, and overall very Average. Is this a good thing? I don't want to lose "me", though I did also take it at times when I had to sit in a spot and work the whole day, so there was very little chatting or movement which may change things.
So I'm unsure, and not certain as to which worked better.
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hello tmas,
sorry that no one has responded to your thread as yet. I am unsure how to answer your questions and I hope that by replying, someone with more understanding will see this thread and respond. I am hopeful / confident there are others on the forum who have similar experiences. And I know the people here are non-judgemental and supportive.
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Hello tmas,
Sorry I won't be of much help.
Wouldn't the test for narcolepsy be a one-off expense, which would, one way or the other, see you paying less for meds, or not having meds for narcolepsy you don't have, which would be a lot cheaper?
As for everything else, you could talk to your doctor again, tell him there has been a lot going on & to please let you tell you everything. Or go with everything already written down, as some suggest, as a list, to help keep some order in what you write. One by one, talk or write about each experience you have quetions or concerns about. & also ask, diirectly, what effect he had expected the meds he prescribed to have.
There may not be a clear 'normal', because everyone is different. We are all individuals with all sorts of things going on. Some of what is happening may be the ADHD, the meds, one or another med, other things you may be doing, say with your diet, suppliments, drinking, smoking, I don't know... Sometimes things like these have to be delved into because they may be interacting with medication.
If after talking again doesn't ease your concerns maybe consider a second opinion? That's a big decision, I know.
All the best,
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Unfortunately, the one-off expense is unaffordable for me so it's been continuous smaller payments instead, and even if I don't have diagnosable narcolepsy I still have the symptoms. I have to ration this medication because of the price and I routinely have to nap during the day because of this, and the days when I am totally unmedicated really go by in a haze of fighting the sleep, laying around, and binging sugar. This is why I am changing the meds all together to something more affordable, and hopefully effective on my other symptoms that fall into the ADHD category.
I have invested pretty heavily into better habits for my health, and ways of coping with the energy problems (both instances of being physically unable to fight sleep during the day, and mental overdrive) which primarily involves daily exercise and reliable routine/sleep schedule. No smoking, very little drinking (maybe one or two drinks with friends at dinner on occasion), minimum 7-8 hours sleep a night, and no other psychiatric meds for over six months. My diet's pretty good with the grand exception of too much sugar, but no caffeine. I've really made sure all of these things were in place before trying a more intense medication.
This Dr is my second (or 6th) opinion in a way, though I wouldn't really afford another one anyway. Trying this medication was also prompted by the price difference. Not having a wake-promoting medication isn't really an option at the moment, and I don't see it being an option as long as I want to have a job, degree, or personal relationships. Or mental stability, frankly - everything I've listed really suffers when you can't focus, fall asleep in public/during lectures/work hours, are permanently agitated, lack motivation and depressed, etc. I truly am not convinced I have narcolepsy, but without the medication I have instances where my joints buckle and my face goes slack as I fall asleep (once behind the wheel which is why I will not drive), I've even hallucinated a few times, and sleeping 16 out of every 24 hours isn't feasible. Also ADD chaos. I'm looking for anecdotes and advice at the moment I think, but thank you for the reply anyway 🙂