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Tried drug and now not ok

Community Member
Hi all, recently I tried a drug hoping it would help my
longstanding anxiety and auto immune illness. I tried ONCE.

My experience was awful. I had what's referred to as a
"bad trip". Lots of panic, fear, terror, trembling and chills.

It's now been 8 weeks and I am still panicky. My heart constantly
pounds and I get panic attacks (at night) for no known reason.

I don't know what's wrong with me. Tried it ONCE and now life
is highly uncomfortable. Don't know how to live like this.

Any suggestions much appreciated.
Thank you
4 Replies 4

Hi john8403,

Welcome to our friendly only community. We're glad to have you here. We're sorry to hear that life has been highly uncomfortable for you after you had the experience. We can understand that this might make you feel concerned. Please know that you don't have to go through this alone and that there is support available to you.

Can we ask if you have consulted your GP about these symptoms? If not, we would recommend that you do this. If you are feeling quite worried and would like to talk to someone immediately, Victorians have access to a telephone service called NURSE-ON-CALL. This is a phone service that provides immediate, expert health advice from a registered nurse, 24/7. You can contact them on 1300 60 60 24. 

You might also be interested in taking a look at some of our Beyond Blue resources for some ideas on calming activities:
Thanks again for reaching out today. We hope that you can get in touch with a health professional who can get you on the road to recovery. Please feel free to reach out here again to let us know how you're going if you feel up to it.

Just Sara
Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi and a big welcome John;

It takes courage to post on the forum, so well done on taking steps to ask for help.

Triggering pre existing conditions to worsen is common for illicit drugs. Seeking support outside legal avenues to ease symptoms can be a huge temptation, but as you've experienced, it's not worth the effort.

Anxiety/panic are biological responses in the brain to long term stress. Approaching the disorder is similar to attending to an illness in another organ; rest, treatment and addressing the cause.

In this respect, advice/treatment from your GP and a referral to a psychologist for talking therapy can help you firstly understand what anxiety is, identify the cause and then finding ways to cope until recovery's in sight.

It can be a slow process, but well worth the journey I can assure you. I say this from lived experience, a few years down the track from a very scary breakdown; anxiety/panic was an everyday event where at times, I survived moment to moment living in fear.

One word of advice; FEAR is the enemy. This emotion triggers the 'Primal' part of the brain into a fight, flight or freeze response that's directly responsible for survival of the species. Levels of adrenaline when feeling at risk will spike and the brain decides whether running away, fighting or freezing is the best way to survive the incident.

When you see an animal in the grip of a lion's mouth, notice it's limp and doesn't struggle. This is the way the brain prepares the animal for death. (Freeze) Hormones flood the brain to make death as painless as possible.

When humans experience this, we try to rationalise it as being weak and are the cause, but the truth is we have no power to control this very normal response.

I'll keep an eye out for you over the next few days. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask or write whatever makes you feel better. If it helps, cruising the site for threads that might interest you is a good option also.

Looking forward to hearing from you...

Kind thoughts;


I'm seeing a gp Tuesday.

So, I take an illicit drug ONCE and now 8 weeks later I'm still in a constant state of panic.

Do you think this will pass?

I'm not thinking about it (the bad trip), at least not consciously.

Anyone heard of similar experience to mine?
Thank you

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
And yes i have had many experiences similar to yours, from alcohol to illicit substances