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transition period

Community Member

Hi all.

I was diagnosed with anxiety 10 years ago and have been taking the same medication since. It worked very well occasionally it had to be increased but always worked well. Now unfortunately my medication has stopped working my body has become immune to it now I'm in a process of dropping my current meds and starting new ones. 

 I'm very afraid that my new meds won't work and my negative thoughts and worry won't go away I have always relied on my previous medication at the start as it made an amazing difference for me. I I'm also afraid of the side effects.

Has any one ever been through this before ? I'd love to hear about your journey if so.

Thank you

5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Riss, this is always something that people are worried about, no different than to walk over a bed of hot coals, not that I have ever done that, but to start a new medication has to be decided by your doctor, and they do this because the old antidepressant (AD) has no more effect on you, and feel as though you are falling back into this horrible state, and certainly this isn't what they or you want.

They will start you off on a low dosage just to see what sort of side-effects may occur, but you have to remember that some of these will eventually settle down, however if they affect your sexual ability, then they should be changed.

Your doctor hit the right button last time with this AD so they will only try and help you as much as they can, even if it's a new doctor.

They will want to hear from you if this medication isn't working, but give it 4 or 5 weeks, whereas some people can get instant results, and how lucky they are, however there are times when people feel a sycophantic feeling at first that this new drug has instantly helped them, but after awhile this can wear off, so you should wait a few weeks to finally decide.

Good luck and please let us know. Geoff.

Community Member

Hi Geoff

Thanks for your response I'm sure the new medication will work for me and if not there are many others to try. 

I have been very over welded and stressed lately so I'm looking forward to recovery..

Thank you again.

Community Member

Hello ; I'm sorry to hear you can't have your trusty old tablets ; it sucks how that happens. I have personally only been on one medication but my dad has been on three ; the one he liked best also made him really sleepy so he had to change even though he felt great, I remember he said the first week or two he felt abit weird but after that he felt more like himself. Im sure that your gp would have prescribed something suited to you that will work especially if they prescribed the last medication. I am currently coming off anxiety meds and I've felt pretty weird for about a month but I've read this is normal. I hope everything goes smoothly for you ! 

Community Member

Thank you so much to all who responded to my post. almost one month on and I'm feeling much better. My dose of antidepressant has  as been upped by a psychiatrist  though as my GP was un sure  if it was safe to do so. after suffering for 3 weeks on a low does I chose to seek a specialists help as they know more about that type of medication and what works. I still have a bit of a way to go as the meds take a good two months to work fully but I can now see light at the end of the tunnel. I just want everyone to know that at the start there always seems like there is no hope. but in time things do start to look up and their is always an answerer no matter how dark things seem at the time the sun will and always will shine again.


I to am having the same problem I've been taking a medication for around 6 months for depression and anxiety and after having nearly every side effect listed it finally started to work and side effects went away I've been great for 4 months done things I would have never done without these mess but all of the sudden the have stopped working depression has come back and anxiety also I have tried upping the dose but still feel crap now thinking of switching but am really worried of the side effects again.