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anxiety what a trip

Community Member

Hello all

About 9 months ago i was working away and i had this heart thing happen to me,i was sent to the medical station were they did a ECG and everything was fine,but i wasn't convinced so i went to hospital and they said the same thing.So i went back to work but had this feeling in the back of my head that it could happen again which was kind of scary,as the weeks went on i noticed that i was constantly thinking about it especially when i was in bed at night were i was transfixed on my heart.Then i noticed that i would get these rushes that would really scare me,but i continued on as men do until after xmas where i had this full on panic attack,then after that it seemed to be all down hill,i was having panic attacks all the time and felt scared.When i went to the doctor and told him he said to go on antidepressants which i did,i have experienced antidepressants before due to relationship break ups so i thought sweet these things will kick in and work, problem solved,but they didn't work,by this stage it was impacting everything,work,family,life in general,i was really starting to worry until i found some meds that started to work 80% of the time but still used these little white tablets (benzodiazepine),talk about a life saver.But i don't like taking pills so i continued getting better and slowly getting of the little pills,everything was mostly fine until i got sick over seas then i got pneumonia in the space of a month,i was so run down but luckily for me work had given all of us a month off waiting for the next job,so i was in bed for about 3 weeks.After i started getting well i noticed that the anxiety was back and was really starting to scare me and i thought that i was going to have to go threw this all again,it has only been about 2 weeks of me getting better but i am back on those white pills and worried that i might be on them for a while,so i thought i would join beyond blue and see if people could answer a couple of questions for me.ps i have found a good psychologist but i have only been twice

1 what drugs do people recommend i am on a SNRI

2 can this type of anxiety be beaten

3 outside of drugs what can a person do to beat this

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Sincerely ////////

7 Replies 7

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

HI Desfax,

Thanks for the post and for sharing your story. Welcome tot he Community here at Beyond Blue. I will just mention here that all of us who post here are not supposed to actually mention the name of drugs that we take, so I doubt anyone will actually tell you the name of the medication they are currently taking or have tried in the past.

I have found in the past that some antidepressants work well for me for a while, then they no longer do so. I tried for a while without medication and rapidly went down hill in a big way. My Dr. has now found a medication that is suited to my needs and my chemical imbalance.

A medication may work well for one person, but may not do the same thing for another person. I personally have discovered that I do not cope with out the aid of medication. For some people they may not need to take tablets at all, others may be on them for a short time, then there are some us who may need to be on them for ever. If I was a severe diabetic I would need insulin, so I just look at it that way.

Have you had a look at the Anxiety information available here on this site under the heading The Facts . You may find some helpful knowledge there.

You could also have a flick through the posts under anxiety and discover just how common heart problems are for people with anxiety.

I suffer more from depression and stress. In both circumstances I try to be aware of how I am starting to feel down and try to work on feeling better before it all spirals out of control.

Some people recommend a type of mediating or deep breathing to help with their anxiety.

Do as much research as you can on anxiety and hopefully you will come up with ideas that suit you and will help.

 Cheers for now from Mrs. Dools




Community Member

Hi desfax,

As Mrs Dools said we can't mention specific medications but yes some work for some people and not for others.

When I experienced anxiety like you are describing DBT (Dialectical Behavioural Therapy) helped me a lot. There are courses and books you can get about it. It helped me to deal with the panic attacks and the other roller coaster of emotions.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

The Mind is a powerful information processor conditioned by stimuli that has bombarded our memory from an early age up until now.

Fear is an emotion that expresses the expectation something undesirable is going to occur in a real way but it hasn't,  yet the Mind can lie to ourselves insisting what we fear is a Reality.It is a conditioning or pattern affecting our conciousness, like a begger continually holding out the hands for coins sitting on a box of gold yet afraid to look in that box.

The simplest way to overcome anxiety is to still the Mind.

How do I do that? your Mind asks, sounds simple but here comes another thought and another, and ooh where can I get a real coffee? The Mind will try to get your attention by focusing on another part of your body away from brain, such as your stomach oand tastebuds, it wants control of your body to fulfill it's existence so it lies to your conciousness.

To still the Mind find yourself in the now, the present instead of the past (guilt) or the future (fear), look at a flower or a cat and feel how the flower or cat is expressing  the joy of existing. That joy of existing in the moment, in the now is the simplest way to overcome Fear or anxiety: Totally without drugs.

Thank you so much for your reply,i have been away working which i have found is a great way to relieve yourself from anxiety,who knew that work was one of the answers lol,i suppose it keeps your brain busy which is exactly what i need.Anyhow thanks again for your reply and hope to hear from you soon

Community Member
Thank you so much for your reply,i have been away working which i have found is a great way to relieve yourself from anxiety,who knew that work was one of the answers lol,i suppose it keeps your brain busy which is exactly what i need.Anyhow thanks again for your reply and hope to hear from you soon

Community Member
Thank you so much for your reply,i have been away working which i have found is a great way to relieve yourself from anxiety,who knew that work was one of the answers lol,i suppose it keeps your brain busy which is exactly what i need.Anyhow thanks again for your reply and hope to hear from you soon

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Desfax,

I haven't been on this forum for a couple of weeks due to a very busy lifestyle at present!

As you mentioned, work can be a great distraction and can actually help us through our difficult times.

I thoroughly enjoy my work caring for the elderly in their homes. I like being able to help and assist them and to make a difference in their lives.

One dear lady whom I assist is becoming more depressed and anxious as she is able to do less for herself. I try to make my time with her happy and light hearted. She wanted me to help her cook cakes one day. I ended up with flour all over me, she thought it was hilarious. Before that she was very depressed and almost crying.

If we can find ways to lighten our moods or the moods and emotions of others, we will all benefit.

I also find time in the garden to be a great therapy for me.

Hope you are cruising along okay.

Cheers for now from Mrs. Dools