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Tiredness on Meds

Community Member

Hi - I do hope that I'm not raking up some old issue that's been solved before.

My problem is extreme tiredness while on antidepressants. It was a problem with the very first brand of SSRI antidepressants I was prescribed. I was tried on three different brands all with the same tiredness side effect. I'm now on a fourth and have been for about a year. But I still feel so tired. I'm always yawing and have a nap anytime I lie down day or night. I don't feel drugged, just 'naturally' tired. I'm taking my meds at night now to see if that will help but I guess they are long lasting and it's not really helping. Has anyone else had this problem and if so how did you solve it, if you did? Thanks in advance for any help. Cheers!

5 Replies 5

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Guest_9731, welcome

Yes, I went through that myself and it was really dangerous as I had to drive up to 600kms a day in my then job. Several times I had to stop the car and walk around it then get back in. It wasn't a good time.

Eventually many meds later I found to best one for me without the side effects.

So keep returning to your GP/psych and keep trying other meds. Don't give up on it and give each of them the required 6 weeks or so initial period to see if they work for you.

Working close with your doctor during this phase is crutial

Tony WK

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Guest, there's decisions we have to make when taking AD's, firstly if being tired is the only side-effect, and secondly if this medication is doing it's job.

I also take a SSRI and they do make me sleepy but I also take a massive dose of anti epileptic medication, which also increase my sleepiness and I do have to have my nap in the early afternoon.

Does your doctor feel as though the dose could be cut down, but not to the demerit of your condition. Geoff.

Thanks White a Knight. I'll hang in there and go back to my GP. Good to hear that you've dealt with the same situation and nailed it.

Thanks Geoff. You are right, sometimes there's a compromise that on balance is the best for us. I'm grateful you replied. It helps me think it through knowing that others are dealing with the same problem. I am not alone.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Guest, glad to have you here. 

I have had similar experiences with tiredness. When I changed meds, I did find the tiredness gradually declined as my body got used to it. Like White Knight said, work closely with your medical professional and be patient for the effects to kick in. 

My suggestions may be blindingly obvious, but they really did work. 

I started by taking my meds at the same time of day. I also created as much of a sleep routine as possible. I'm good with the time I get to sleep, but I find it hard to get up. Oversleeping makes me feel tired too. 

And coffee! My psych actually recommended that I drink a couple coffees in the morning, but not too many. 

Exercise makes your body naturally tired, but also increases your energy levels. And good, regular food. These last 2 I find difficult, but I'm slowly doing more of these.