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Relapse on medication

Community Member
I have been taking a medication for anxiety and depression for 12 weeks and have felt absolutely fantastic for the last 5-6 weeks, my "normal" self and enjoying life.  I worked night shift this week twice and had minimal sleep, woke up feeling very low, emotional and anxious.  Saw my Doctor who prescribed something for sleep on a short term basis, but I am still feeling low with mild anxiety.  The mood seems to be worse than the anxiety.  Is this an indication that I need to have the dose of medication I am taking increased?  I am in a high pressure job and need to have very good concentration.  I am on the second lowest dose at present.  
5 Replies 5

Community Member
luciban.  I feel you need to go back to your G.P and tell him/her exactly what you've just posted.  With night shift, sleep patterns are not 'normal' for a start.  Are you on a 12 hour or 8 hour shift.  Meds take at least 2 - 3 weeks to 'kick in'.  How long is it since you worked?  Did you feel sleepy at work?  Sometimes sleeping pills tend to make us drowsy through the day till we adjust to them.  If you take a higher dose for  anxiety than what you have been taking, these may affect your ability to drive.  There are so many issues with taking anti-depressants.  What sort of work do you do?  You say it's high pressure, taking anti-depressants may cause problems with work.  Make sure you're totally honest with your G.P.  Only he/she will know by what you say, whether to increase/decrease the dosage.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Luciban,

Welcome to the community here at Beyond Blue. Only your Dr. can answer if you need to increase your medication.

If you don't mind, I have a couple of questions for you. Did your anxiety increase because you were on night shift and had little sleep? Do you have to do night shift very often?

The Dr has given you these extra tablets on a short term basis, hopefully they will kick in and help with this situation.

Think about when you are feeling fantastic, what things do you enjoy doing? Then when you are feeling low, try to incorporate the things that make you feel better into your day.

You may be experiencing a slight slump right now, but there is no reason for you to stay there.

Have another chat with your Dr if you feel too concerned.

Look for the positives during your days and your shifts.

You mentioned you are in a high stress position and need to concentrate, so try to work out what is bothering you the most and work on ideas on how to resolve any issues you may have.

Hope some of this helps. Cheers for now from Mrs. Dools

Community Member

Thank you for your reply.  In answer to your question, I was very relaxed about work and at work.  I work a 10 hour night shift and the only "trigger" for this episode I can think of is some relationship issues which I had been mulling over for a week prior, but they were definately not major issues.  I have a good supportive partner.   They would seem very minor to someone else.

I have been on the same anti depressant before this episode on a very low dose for many years, however this time I am concerned that I am taking the same dose  and my symptoms have flared up.  I have to do night shift every 6 weeks.  I have had two full nights sleep post the night shifts after taking the sleep medication and am still feeling low, that is why I am concerned.  

I did see my Doctor regarding this relapse and she wants me to try another few night shifts and then if my mood is still low, she may increase the mediation.  

Community Member
Thanks Pipsy for your response.  My Doctor and myself are reluctant to increase the medication as I do need to be able to concentrate but I don't want to continue feeling low.  I have not been at work since taking the medication to help me sleep and I have not been drowsy at all during the day. 

Hi Luciban,

Thanks for getting back to us. It is good you have been able to discuss your medication and work situation with your Dr.

I'm having to lower the dose of my medication as it is making me too tired and I am driving a lot of the day. Not a good combination at all! Some days as soon as I arrive home I am needing to go straight to bed for a sleep and wonder how I managed to get home.

It is important to keep in touch with your Dr about al of this.

Depression can be a very strange illness as we do not always need an incident or an event to trigger an episode of depression, it can just happen by itself.

Have you done much research into depression? I have found the more I understand the illness the better I can manage it. But that doesn't happen all of the time either! Ha. Ha.

I hope you are able to find some answers to any triggers or to work out ways to combat the feelings you have right now.

Cheers for now from Mrs. Dools