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Off and on, and constantly switching Medication

Community Member

Hi there

First time post for me, after reading the support an advice offered here I felt hopeful I could ask a few questions and share a bit of my story among people who understand and may also be able to offer me ideas. For me the last 6/8 months have been an on going battle and an utter disappointment as I promised myself I would not walk down this path again- yet I saw it coming and could not stop myself from slipping- so scary when you know all the signs and you try all the things you have learnt to aviod the dark but still it comes. This is why I take medication- but as of late nothing seems to be working and I have hit rock bottom.

I have been in and out of depressive episodes for the past 10 years, most of which I have been medicated- taking various SNRI's (but they had no effect). In the past taking medication has worked because it enabled me to concentrate, to get on with tasks i was struggling with and getting overwhelmed with, stop my inner chatter and get me into a head space where I see things rationally. It would keep my mood stable by just making me feel numb. But the pay offs where a flat/foggy feeling, no emotional connection to one or anything, sweating, drowsiness and feeling like i've lost all personality/creativity and original thought.

In the recent episode I have had- I have chopped and changed medication around alot, giving each a fair go (couple of months) but nothing seems to be working. So I've looked at other options- hypnotherapy, mediation, exercise, diet change, supplements, seeing a psychiatrist to change my medication yet again- but no progress. I am now 1 week in to no medication at all- and its not going well- I am very anxious .I know each person is different and medication has various effects but I wondered if anyone else has been through this constant search I seem to be on for the right way to move forward positively? I know this is the sort of stuff I should be asking a doctor but ive been to so many- ¬ found one I trust or feel has helped me in any way. Im over psychology, psychiatrists, health plans- they have all been dead ends for me. So wondering if anyone here has anything they would like to share that they think might help.

11 Replies 11

Hey 4paws

Im happy that you have found inspiration here 🙂

Day 3 and good on you!

You are like myself everytime Canned Tuna is on special for $1-00 I get a handfull of the one in Olive Oil

I hope your day is good to you 4paws


Community Member

Hi 4pawslove,

This is my first time posting and as I was reading through a few of the posts I came across yours. I couldn't believe how much your life is like mine!

I too have PCOS, run my own business with my partner which is quite physical work, have been struggling over the past few months especially as I don't handle change well, have exactly the same 'foggy' feeling which leaves me feeling disconnected and a bit like a robot. I too don't get a chance to socialise due to lack of time and opportunity.

I am currently changing meds as I went through a pretty bad time after a big life change despite being on an SSRI. At the moment it is particularly rough as I am finding the withdrawals very hard both physically and emotionally.

It's so frustrating as the new meds don't seem to be working at all and I'm having bad withdrawals so I've been told I have to go back on the previous one so we can then try something else. Back to square one.

It's also hard as I don't want to continue putting more pressure on my partner who has put up with quite a lot of basically me not coping.

I was never sure about these forums because I thought maybe it might just make me focus too much on it by reading about it, but I have found the successful comments and stories really helpful.