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Mess or no meds? Help!

Community Member

I think I have had depression/anxiety for 4-5 years now.

long story but it stems apparently from my environment.

the father of my child has been emotionally abusive for the last 5 years and I think it's taken its toll on me.

i don't feel like the person I was before, which was a really happy bubbly person with lots of friends and very sociable.

i feel like I have become very sinical and in social able.

I have no patience anymore and I'm scared of everything.

i never socialise anymore and I have to convince myself to go to work when I feel like just giving up on everything.

i have my own small business which I started when I broke up with my sons dad 3-4 years ago.

i don't feel like I deserve to be happy and be in a new relationship.

i know this is bad to by feeling like this and I do see a psychologist.

but I really don't tell her exactly how I feel.

i worry about everything and feel ashamed to say  I am a single mum as I feel like a failure.

im embarrassed that  not married  and I'm currently living with my parents.

i cant believe my life has turned out like this.

i know my life is not as bad as other people's but my mind just cannot accept or change the horrible way I feel all the time.

so my question is should I take medication?

i have tried it before and it was working but I got ringing of the ears which I still have so  scared to take medication again.

plus i have tried so many and the only ones that worked gave me tinnitus.



5 Replies 5

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Hello JJ, this is a question best asked of a medical professional. Some mental health conditions are best treated with psychotherapy becuse medication is not really effective. What does your psychologist think?

Community Member


Thanks for your answer.

i haven't told her that I feel as bad as I do.

but I think I need to do something for my sons sake.

i just want it to happen quickly as I'm really sick of feeling like this 

but oh course I'm scared of all the side affects to 


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Hello JJ, well there's your first issue... it's very important to be 100% open and honest with your therapist and GP otherwise they can't give you the help you need.  When do you next see her>?

Community Member
I see here very month.  But I think I will go to my Doctor.  I am just embarrassed.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Why do you feel embarrassed? Do you worry that you won't be taken seriously?