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Meds not working

Community Member


I was told I had depression and anxiety about 10 years ago now and was put on an SNRI that worked miracles. But sadly my body became use  to the medication, it stopped working and I was already on the highest dose.  so my doctor took me off it and put me on another. It has been almost 4 months now and I'm almost on the max dose and I feel as bad if not worse then when I started it. I'm scared that medication wont work for me any more and ill feel this way forever. Has any one ever had this happen with meds before and did they find one that worked eventually??

Please help


9 Replies 9

Community Member
Hi Riss, in 4 months you would expect to be feeling some benefits from the medication. I'd be on the docs door step at opening in the morning and asking for a different medication. Failing that I'd find myself a new doctor. There is new medication coming out all the time, companies trying to lesson the side effects for people. To be honest you were very lucky to receive a medication the 1st time that had the desired effect. Many have to try several different medication until finding the one that works for them. Best of luck and hope your back on top of things real soon.

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Riss,

Don't give up trying other meds. But each meds needs several weeks chance to see how they work for you. Then in some cases weaning off them to then try another. It could take quite some time but its worth it.

Tony WK

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Riss, it is so disappointing that the antidepressant (AD) that was working has now stopped, but I'm interested whether your life style has altered that has caused this to happen.

If your current medication isn't working after 4 months, then I would be asking for your doctor to consider changing AD, and is this AD a SNRI or SSRI. Geoff.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Riss,

Unfortunately it's not uncommon at all for some meds to stop working altogether for reasons that pharmaceutical science does not full understand yet. If you've been on the medication for 4 months I'm about 99% certain that if they were going to work, they would have. Sometimes it can be a tedious process of chopping and changing medications to find the one that works best for you.

Some people simply don't respond to a whole host of meds while other people respond well to all of them. Speak to your doctor about trying another medication and maybe increase other things you can do to benefit your mental health (exercise, meditation, socialising etc.) I'm sure you will find a medication that works for you, it can just be an annoying wait. All the best,


Community Member

Thanks for your reply Geff. No this AD is an SSRI not an SNRI. and yes life did become stressful when the med stopped working. I have had very little  help from the new drug. More with anxiety not so with depression 

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Riss,

Im sure your doctor can probably answer this better than anyone, but is there a different type of SNRI that you can take? Because it seems the SSRI isn't doing its job, and probably isn't going to at this point?

Good luck with it


Community Member

Thanks for your reply. I went to see my doctor today and he is making me stay on the ssri for another 3 weeks. He thinks I'm making progress and doesn't  want me to change meds till they have had a chance to kik in. When I asked him what will we do if they don't work he said "wI'll cross the bridge when we get to it. So I'm still not sure what to do.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Riss, you mustn't forget that anxiety is part of depression, and your doctor can't be totally sure what the effects this AD will have on you or anyone else, because everyone is different.

If your depression has improved that's good, but there maybe key areas where your anxiety kicks in. Geoff.

Community Member

Hi Ris,

Can't hurt to get a second opinion. I feel you medication should have given some relief in this time. To have to endure a further 3 weeks of feeling unwell seems pretty unproductive. Just my thoughts. I hope you sort this out soon. DJ