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Mental Health Assessment for Anxiety

Community Member


I have an appointment tomorrow with my doctor , he wants to do a mental health assessment for anxiety.. can anyone tell me what this will entale please?

Im actually a little scared about going




1 Reply 1

Community Member

I'm probably posting this too late, but usually it's a questionnaire that asks about how you feel. You tick/colour the boxes that best describe how you feel.

And example question might be:
"Do you ever feel hopeless?"

And the answer choices might be:
()Greatly ()Somewhat ()Unsure ()Not Often ()Never

They can vary somewhat, but that's the general idea. Of course there is no right or wrong answer so just choose the answer you feel is most like you. The doctor will figure out the rest.

I've done these a lot over my life, so don't panic, nothing bad will happen no matter what your score is. It's just there to give your doctor a better understanding on how you are coping, and to see if there's any way they can give you more support.