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Is Hospitalisation Necessary?

Community Member

Hi everyone!

This is my first ever post (yay!) so bear with me 🙂

Just for some context: I have been battling with anxiety and depression for several years now. I graduated last year so i'm still living at home and a few months ago, I naively thought it would be a great idea to go off all of my medication cold turkey because I thought I was cured. -_-

I know I need to go back on my meds (my parents found out i stopped taking them) and I've been seeing my wonderful psychologist regularly since then. I've been told by all my doctors that I need to be monitored closely when I start up my meds again, but the thing Is I'm not convinced that my parents can do this. My reasoning is because I have a sibling with severe mental illness that they are already monitoring most of the time and one of my parents has Bi Polar. I know that sometimes people go to hospital while they undergo medication changes and I was thinking maybe I should do this, but nobody thinks this is necessary. I believe this is because I'm quite articulate and that often comes across as if I'm in control of my emotions and actions (which actually couldn't be further from the truth). I'm scared that If I suggest it i'll be accused of "seeking attention" or something like that.

My question for you guys is whether hospitalisation has been an avenue you have ever explored and whether or not I should investigate it further given my circumstances. 

 Much love, Casualfriday x

5 Replies 5

Community Member

Hey there, congrats on graduating. Sorry to hear your experience going off meds hasn't been very good.

I was hospitalised twice in my life - once as an adolescent and once as an adult. This was over fifteen years ago, though, and people have told me that things have changed a lot since then. Whether that's true or not... I don't know. But when I was hospitalised as an adult everyone in the ward was given extra medication above and beyond their normal prescription in order to... Well, sleep, apparently. And to not be crazy, I guess. To save the nurses some trouble maybe? What I mean is that when I went in there I was given benzodiazepines (I think that's what it was) just 'to sleep'. This knocked me out - I overslept every day and was foggy most of the time. In the end I put it under my tongue because I didn't want to take it anymore. I don't think I needed it at all.

Also when I was in there I saw a psychiatrist maybe once a week - for about five minutes each time. They'd ask some questions and just kind of adjust the medication (wildly adjust it too if you ask me) and not really counsel you or try to treat you in any other way. Imagine waiting to see a psychiatrist all week then you see him, he asks you a few vague questions then ups your dosage. Then you just have to suffer through it until the next time you see him or her.

But as I said, apparently things have changed. But yeah. I don't know about that.

This is my first forum post/reply, so I hope I do ok 🙂  I have been hospitalised twice, first time with PND for 3 months a few years ago, second time was last year for 5 weeks with severe depression/anxiety.  Both times, hospitalisation was exactly what I needed in the immediate instance to at least be safe.  It also gives you some rest from the usual daily stresses and tasks so you can focus on getting well and feel less overwhelmed.  In my experience, the public system leaves a fair bit to be desired, resources are strained, the psychiatrist to patient ratio isn't great, but this is no fault of the staff, just due to underfunding.  I was lucky enough to be moved to a private clinic during my last stay through a deal the public hospital had for overflow.  What a difference!  If you have private insurance or any way of affording to go private, I strongly suggest it.  You are treated less of number and annoyance, and more what you really are - an intelligent adult with a mental health problem.  In both cases though, the battle with finding the right treatment was the same... it is very much a waiting game and that's the same for both private and public hospitals.  Let me know if you need any further info 🙂

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member


I was in a psych hospital last year and saw that it was pretty common for hospital admission during med changes/while waiting for them to kick in. It's really just to ensure that you're in a safe environment because some people can react really badly to medication changing their brain chemistry. I've changed meds a few times and I know how it can make me feel at times, and while it doesn't warrant me needing to go into a hospital, I can imagine it would for many others. Much like the former poster, I'd recommend trying to get into a private hospital if possible. The public system is a bit iffy in my opinion,

all the best,


Community Member

Hi there. I hope you have found out the right thing for you and also have good people supporting you.

I'm scared of going to hospital too. I think I will feel worse there and less safe. I saw a psychiatric registrar on Friday through community mental health. She basically said that I could either go to hospital or an ICC or go back to work (I've had 2 weeks off). Being home on my own with no routine and so forth isn't good for me. Sounds pretty crazy, but she said it was okay to be there at 50% and said that if I wasn't coping and needed to leave, that was an achievement that I got there. 

Seems like community mental health are trying to be pretty supportive of me. Hospital is an option, but there is help available that might be not hospital and more than a psychologist appointment every week or two. 

I don't know what to do. I had a ridiculously bad day yesterday and thought I'd end up in hospital. I ended up having a long conversation with a nurse who helped me through the crisis of thoughts in my head. Hospital was still an option, but so was getting help to get through the next few days. I had a call back that night and then this morning. I think that they would have visited if I needed. I'm still not sure how I feel about phone calls from strangers, but maybe it is helpful to have some support. I'd like to think I can get by without ending up in hospital. Then I try this. I'm petrified that things will be bad at work and I won't cope, but the options are all hard. Then I try...

I don't know what your situation is and sorry to whinge about mine too. I heard in what you said about not wanting to be 'attention seeking' a similarity to my own thinking. I've gotten to a point where it is so bad, I've had to put that aside and ask for help. I think if you feel unsafe, it is time to ask for help. Apparently, it is the right thing to do. Scary, but better than the other option. 

All the best, and I'll let you know if I end up there if it was a helpful experience or not! 

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Casualfriday and welcome to the forums!

Firstly, well done on graduating, and also, I applaud you on having the self confidence to brave taking yourself off medication; lot of us are too afraid of slipping up that we'll often use the medication long after we've stopped needing it. However always consult your psychologist/GP first, as going on and coming off medication such as antidepressants is a particularly delicate proccess. 

Regarding your question, it really depends how much the medication affects you and whether or not you trust yourself to take the right amount at the right times - I have never had the need to go to hospital to have my intake monitored, I find that if I go about my daily routine and slowly add the medication into it, it tends to start working faster, and if I notice anything different or unusual, I'll just write them down and take them in to my GP. 

The best thing to do would be to give the hotline a call, and ask for their opinion, as a second opinion from a professional is always helpful.

Good luck!
