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Grow Meetings

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey All

I'm thinking of trying out a Grow meeting tomorrow.  Have any of you tried them?  I'm freaked out about it!!  I don't trust people and the thought of sitting in a room with a whole lot of them sounds far from pleasant to me.  But then I think they will be people like you guys on here and you are all totally awesome!

Love to hear if any of you have tried it and of your experiences - good and bad.

Cheers thanks amamas

24 Replies 24

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Amamas, I going to my sons place and guess who will be there my little grand daughter, yehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so I won't be replying on sunday.

I always remember not to tell the police to watch over your house while on holidays, because when you return you have been robbed. L Geoff. x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Geoff

How totally awesome spending your birthday with your grandaughter!! 

Hey is your new baby a jack russel?  (I love the new photo by the way!) My last baby/companion was a jack russell, Sunshine.  Like you I loved him but he didn't replace my earlier, best mate Darkie.  In fact poor Sunshine because I was still grieving Darkie it took me a lot of our time together to open up to his love.  Sunshine died two years ago.  It cuts right to the core of me when they die.  I think I'm almost ready to open up to a new beautiful soul.  Problem is I live in a no pets house.  Time to move I'm thinking!!

I have done the craziest thing to cope with this weekend!!  I booked a trip up to Cairns.  Here I am in a backpackers full of people thinking AAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!  What have I done?  Damn my insane impulsive side!  I'm sure anyone reading my posts is probably aware I have some sort of social anxiety.  I was in ignorance/denial of it. Well now I'm surrounded by people and can't go and hide in my room I get it.  Now what do I do?  Again I say damn my crazy side! 

I know you are thinking hang out by yourself.  Yes that would be logical wouldn't it but my insane side booked all sorts of things, including going out on a boat all weekend with, wait for it total freak out - PEOPLE.

Sorry just trying to let out some of my freak out - out.

If I make it through the weekend without exploding from too much fright or flight time I'll catch you after.

Have an awesome bday Geoff. I have to sing to you early because I'm leaving super early in the morning.

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday dear Geoff'

Happy Birthday to you!!! OOXXOO

Take care cheers amamas 

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Amamas, well that's already made my birthday and thank you so much.

Moo-Moo is a jack russell cross well she looks more like a sausage dog, and like you she won't replace Tessie, but I needed another dog, I couldn't bear the thought of being at home by myself.

Going to Cairns, I've never been there, but know people who have.

You never know there maybe someone going that you click with, and I truly hope so, but please no crocodiles. Take care. L Geoff. x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Geoff

Sorry my damn brain, I knew we were having a conversation somewhere but I only just remembered where it was.  I used to have a good brain, I miss that!

So Moo-Moo what a sweetie!  They are such precious beings aren't they!

Cairns is incredible!  I had such an amazing time!!  Being out on a boat, was the best way for me to enjoy and change the way I experienced October 5th.  I'm really glad it's your birthday and that you shared that with me!  I'm certain that's a large part of why I was able to think of something fun to do (certainly so much better than a day of life sux thoughts!!).  Thank heaps Geoff! xxoo

Didn't see any crocodiles, but yes clicked with quite a few people.  They've become texting buddies.  Funny isn't it that the age of technology has decreased social interaction for normal people but increased it for the mentally deranged.  (That's not based on any reading or research just a thought i just had).

Did you get to try out a grow meeting?  I'm considering braving up this week - very much still in the considering phase.

Big hugs to you beautiful Geoff and Moo-Moo

Cheers amamas


Hi Geoff ,

I was just looking through the posts about Grow I see they are very old and wanted to update the forum info. I see you are a seasoned forum advocate. I hope this is helpful and I am new to forums. Good on you for offering to go with amamas

I went to a Grow meeting years ago in what was the lowest time of my life. Grow basically saved my life. I am now a meeting organiser.

You may now know the following info but here goes;

Grow was pretty gody when I started but I kept going in spite of that (God screwed my family up too) I could see that the 12 step program had merit and I was desperate. Grow has since then ditched God stuff to be more inclusive of modern Australian views. Even now a bit of god slips in occasionally but I just ignore it.
Grow is definitely not a religious group but a peer led meeting. Over the years things that work are shared and sometimes added to the Program (Blue Book). Anything that works is valid this might be Mindfulness, a relevant wise sayIng, a phone call, a hug, pills.

Grow has a fantastic program that began in and works in real life situations. Thanks to Grow I became a qualified M H Peer worker with Flourish but I believe Grow has the goods to help people and just wanted to pass this on.

Have a good one
