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Should I get a new psychologist?

Community Member
Hi everyone
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post I have started seeing a psychologist and have been to two sessions. I have mixed feeling about the sessions and how they are going I'm not sure really what to expect during but we have been doing CBT on some of my issues. Yesterday we were discussing my major fear which is me dying and leaving my baby son behind. She said that if I did die my husband is young and would probably re marry and therefore my son would have a mother figure and not be alone... this made me feel sad. I'm not sure if this is what psychologist are supposed to do and I am thinking about it the wrong way. But I can't help but feel uneasy about the comments. Should I try for a new psych or keep trying with this current one?
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Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi GG,

This is a great question. From my understanding it usually takes at least six sessions before we begin to see & feel the benefits of psychotherapy/ counselling (and those first few sessions are the hardest and it can actually feel like things are getting worse before they get better). That said sometimes it takes a few go's before we find the right therapist for us.

I would tell her how that comment made you feel if you haven't already done so? I can see why that would make you sad, I think I'd feel sad too if someone said that to me. I don't she intended it to though, I think she may have been trying to comfort you? I had CBT for some of my fears, I had a few decent therapists which helped to a degree and then I found someone who was perfect for me and have been seeing them ever since (probably over 30 sessions with them now)! I'm glad I kept looking for the right fit and someone I felt super comfortable opening up to and sharing things with, i've come a long way with overcoming some of my fears. That said it may be worth sticking out the next four or so sessions to see if you can make some progress with the current person. Does that help at all? Listen to your gut as well, your instincts will know if their right for you as a therapist but it might take some more sessions to be sure.