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Frustrated at progress

Community Member


I've been on a medication for anxiety for almost six years. I've tried to get off it before and it did not go well - the anxiety returned almost immediately, so I went back on it. After a long time of feeling good my GP and I agreed I should try coming off the medication again a few months ago, and I've been doing so slowly following the plan.

10 days after my last dose I started getting an upset stomach. I spoke to my GP who said it sounds like my anxiety coming back (stomach problems and nausea is often my first sign). I wasn't sure though as mentally I felt well. We discussed my plans which are to power through and see if I can get over this, or to go back on the medication. We set a date for a catch up so she could check in on my progress, as I felt strong and she could sense my determination. Today, after 4 days of struggling to eat and sleep with the upset stomach I'm feeling it mentally as it takes a lot of strength to power through such physical symptoms especially with so little food. The physical symptoms are getting less which is great but my brain is focusing on them more and my mental strength is suffering.

I guess I'm looking for some encouragement that I can do this - I have managed my anxiety in the past with diet in assistance with a dietitian so I know the safe foods to eat (very very bland things) and to eat little amounts regularly. How else can you build up your strength and brain power if you're struggling to keep food down? Especially if you're at the point where I am now - my stomach is calmer but my brain is thinking I will feel sick if I eat. I am nibbling on a cracker as I write this though as typing is distracting my brain 😉

13 Replies 13

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi onthefence,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing your story. Your story is truly inspiring and shows me you have the courage to triumph your anxiety and fears. Well done on the progress, to be honest, you are doing an excellent job!!

So regarding your question on how to overcome your anxiety when consuming food? By the way, I think your dietitian is right on eating frugal food because there are certain foods found in the psychological literature promote anxiety! Maybe for a week try consuming whole foods plant-based diet combined with exercise and meditation? Because your diet and exercise will promote biological wellness but combined with meditational practices or even yoga, will help to keep your mind (cognitions) at ease which will immensely reduce anxiety.

Hope that helps.

Thank you Jasjit! Yes I'm so thankful in a way I faced struggles years ago as it put me in touch with the dietitian and helped me have another tool I could use to manage things!

Your comment about yoga was so helpful - while I have an injury and can't exercise much my kids were doing some child's yoga over lockdown and they might like to do that again one morning when I'm not feeling well - that might really help me even if I adapt some poses. I used to find it very relaxing, before when I was able to do more exercise.

Hi onthefence. Thanks for asking how I'm doing today. It's a tough gig losing the love of your life but I was so lucky to have had him. I really focus on this day, this moment, this breath. If I try and imagine the rest of my life without him, I spiral downwards. Like your thinking about there being no end in sight, really try focussing on THIS moment rather than the end. Often there are joys in moments that we want to make sure we don't want to miss - like seeing your children doing yoga. And if physically you can't do much, IMAGINE it. Our brains don't know the difference between reality and imagination. People often laugh at me when I say this but it is so true. Often with anxiety if we look around us, we're not actually in any danger - but our bodies feel as if they are. That's the brain being tricky. When I imagine the good times I've had with my husband, I know it doesn't bring him back, but it puts a different chemistry in my body - so I am better able to deal with the grief.

I made myself go for a walk this morning - and felt better for it. Go gently. You're a brave soul.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi onthefence

I'm glad to hear that you have made the most of the forums and that this threads is getting lots of responses. I just thought I'd check in on you today. How are things- your feelings, your symptoms? As Modsupport suggested, professional resources are always there if you need it too.

Keep us updated if you like!
