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Finding the right therapist on a Mental Health Care Plan

Community Member

I'm currently seeing a psychiatrist, who has been predictably unsupportive as well as a therapist. I've struggled with depression (complete with constant suicidal ideation) and anxiety my entire life, but due to recent events these have become far more intense than ever before. My therapy sessions have felt very disconnected up to this point, but today it was almost as if he was accusing me of not actively engaging in my own recovery despite the fact all I do is try. Much of what he said left me feeling far worse than when I walked in, so I'm thinking it's time for a new therapist.

The complicated part is that I'm on a mental health care plan and have just had a review and my 7th session, which leaves me 3 more plus the additional 10 for COVID. What I'm wondering is whether it is too late to change therapists at this point?

8 Replies 8

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi jsm1974,

welcome to the forums and thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry to hear that you are not having a good experience with your psychiatrist and psychologist. I don’t know if you have mentioned how you feel to them. They might not be aware of how you feel and may become more supportive and provide you with the care you need. If you are still feeling like you would like to look for another psychiatrist and psychologist then book an appointment with your GP and explain the situation to him, he can refer you to someone else. In terms of your mental health care plan you would be able to use it regardless of the psychologist you see. Hope that helps.

Community Member

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately even my gp seems frustrated with me these days.

It's worth noting that apparently we can change therapists at any time on a mental health care plan. I would guess it would be a bit complicated to do so at the end of those first 10 sessions, as the therapist needs to then invoke the 10 supplementary ones, but probably still possible.

I probably won't even bother trying to change psychiatrists. I've seen several and they have all been disturbingly similar in their detached approach.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Im so sorry you have had such frustrating experiences. I too have had the same experience in the past.

I have been through many psychologists and psychiatrists through the years trying to get the right help and proper diagnosis... its exhausting and frustrating. I have moved states also and having to find new ones can be very hard. But please dont give up. You deserve the best in health care professionals, as do all. Many suit some people, but not others. This is ok. My last psychiatrist was so unhelpful and stuck on what he thought to be true even after seeing family members who supported my habits and problems. Thankfully my sister inlaw was also seeing him at the time and I had to wait for her that made me collect my thoughts and not spiral into suicidal ideation. But this made me not return and seek another psychiatrist. I then saw another who was lovely but was more about numbing me with medications that was not helping me at all, causing more problems in the end. I then FINALLY found one that has been amazing and helpful and considers treatment options other than medication. She is listening, and diagnosing me correctly... my mental health issues are all finally making sense. I also had to find another psycologist as my previous one retired. This too was a struggle but have now found one to support me in the ways I am needing.

So please dont give up, maybe you may need to see a new GP, Psychologist and/or Psychiatrist but that is perfectly okay and normal. We dont mesh well with everyone in existance. You find ones that actually help and help you make improvements. Mental health plans are moveable to anyone at anytime. My son has just done this too, GP did review and completed the forms for a new psycologist (as he feels his current one is not personally someone he can open up with completely).

Its exhausting physically and mentally to have to do this, but once you find the right person/s will be well worth it. You are here seeking direction, thats one big step in the right direction. Dont stop seeking better medical help, you deserve, we all deserve to find the right fit for us. To help us on the journey to better health.

We are all here to listen and assist where possible and share our journeys that may help you also. I hope you can find the right fits for you. But please dont let any health "professional" make you feel worse then you already do. That's not okay. And IT IS OK to find a new specialist ASAP

Community Member
Thanks for such a thoughtful reply. It has been a struggle and I actually seem to be getting worse with each passing week. Hopefully I'll be able to start TMS in the near future, but I know I'll also need to continue with therapy. Not sure I'll be able to afford it after the subsidized sessions end, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Just want to stop feeling this way....would be nice to go for more than a few hours without breaking down.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Anytime 🙂

Yes the path to wellness with mental health 'can be' (not always) so long and expensive. Especially for those that need to do more then just the basics to get well. Like myself I am currently going through the private system in Victoria with high out of pocket to see the psychiatrist that I do now. But she is worth it and has been an amazing and caring psychiatrist, truly the best I have ever had (noting its taken me 17 years of rollercoasters to get me to where I am today). So I totally understand the struggle in finding what helps best. I deeply feel your pain and stress. Do you have supportive family and friends? Someone that can help you with the struggles in finding a new specialist etc?

One thing I have finally learnt over the many years of help and no help, is to embrace the emotions, cry if u need to cry, scream if you need to scream (i would into my pillow or go somewhere there was a paddock and yell), i use a boxing bag for anger moments, and to just keep trying. To take it hour by hour, day by day... until i found the right help needed. This does not work for everyone and took me a long time to get my head around the whole, IT IS OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY.

So please keep fighting for YOU. You are doing amazing at fighting through your current struggles and coming here to seek extra help, direction and a great place to vent your emotions. Here for you as long as you need it 🙂

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi ,

I think changing therapists even a few times is good.

It's hard to find someone good, and also tbh some therapists over charge, exploit, don't follow up, don't understand complex medical ifno, or just have a cold personality .

It's okay if all of those or others are deal breakers. Never feel guilty u deserve the best

Community Member
I believe you can use a mental health care plan with any practitioner, not just the one nominated on the plan. Someone described them to me as being like a set of vouchers. However, some practitioners might be more restrictive and ask you to return to a GP first.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Jsm, I'm really sorry this has happened, but there is no point in seeing someone if they criticise you to the point where you feel worse than you did before and actually whether you would front up to another appointment.

Even though you only have 3 sessions left, you might have more success in those appointments than the seven you'd already had, so yes change the person you see.

The doctor may or may not be able to extend your mental health plan by a few more, that's a decision your doctor has to make, but it's worth asking them.
