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Finding a Psychiatrist who Bulk Bills (Melbourne)

Community Member
I have been receiving psychological and GP treatment for Panic Disorder and PTSD , my psychologist and GP both think it will be a good idea to see a psychiatrist but I am not working at the moment so need one that Bulk bills in the Melbourne area. My GP suggested I try asking here. I would appreciate any help.
1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi cdb24,

Welcome to the forums. We're unable to provide recommendations for specific practitioners here on the forums, but if you use the practitioner directory on the RANZCP website, under 'advanced search options' is a filter for 'can bulk bill selected patients'.

As referrals to a psychiatrist need to come from your GP first, we would also suggest talking with your GP about your needs as they may be able to assist with a referral.

Please feel free to use the forums to connect with others who are experiencing anxiety and PTSD, there are many threads in the Anxiety and Trauma forums you may find insightful.