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How to deal with withdrawal symptoms

Community Member

Hi, I have recently stopped my SSRI and have been experiencing severe, even debilitating withdrawal symptoms, such as migraines and feeling totally spaced out. I am having trouble dealing with these and was wondering whether anyone has any advice as to what to do.

Thanks in advance!

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Emmaalouisee

A warm welcome to Beyond Blue.

Withdrawal symptoms are not nice. Have you stopped taking the medication under medical supervision or on your own decision? If the latter then you should immediately see the doctor who prescribed the medication.  If he/she is unavailable then go to your GP as a matter of urgency. No one should just stop taking antidepressants suddenly.

If this is under supervision, then my advice is the same. Go and see your doctor immediately. It does sound as though you are stopping too quickly and this can cause all sorts of horrid effects and can make you feel worse than taking the ADs.

Don't mess around. Go!


Hey White Rose,

It was a decision made between myself and GP. Haven't been to see her yet, will make an appointment next week. I'm just hoping that there is an alternative out there for me rather than restarting my medication as I am trying to conceive and feel that in the long run I'll be better off.

Thanks again.

Thanks for clarifying that. Sometimes people just decide to go off their meds and it is often a disaster. I imagine your GP will be able to help with the withdrawal symptoms. I had a horrendous time going off a pain killer which normally did not have have many side effects. Boy was that a doozy.It took weeks and was awful even with other medication to help. And I did not take it for long or in a high dose. You never can tell.

I take it your GP knows about your pregnancy plans. It's a difficult situation becoming or being pregnant when you are taking medication because of the potential risks to the baby. Congratulations on doing your best. I hope all goes well. Hang in there.
