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Recently come off antidepressants and struggling

Community Member

I have recently come off my antidepressants and have been really struggling. Its been only five days since I completed weaning and I feel as though I am going crazy. It started off with sweating, nausea, tremors and headaches. Now I feel as though I am depressed and spaced out. Cannot even function properly. On the verge of tears and cannot do the simplest of things such as driving a car or cleaning the house.

Please tell me it gets easier...

4 Replies 4

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi emmaalouisee,

Yes, it gets easier. Welcome to the Beyond Blue forums.

I think the best thing would to be either get in touch with your doc or give the Beyond Blue phone service a call. As you know, without knowing what AD's you were on and what your condition is, it's hard to say. Definitely seek some professional advice on this.

Don't forget to breathe, 4 seconds in, 4 seconds out, not too deep, just slow, focus your mind on watching your breath going in and out, do this till you feel calmer. Love to you.


Hi Jack,

Thanks for your quick response. I will try and see my Doctor next week, just don't want them to tell me I need to go back on my meds as I will feel like more of a failure. I'll try the breathing exercises... It's so hard. Feels like my life is out of my control at the moment.


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Community Member


I've been through it and it definitely does get easier, though it might take a while.

You will get through it. 

Best wishes

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Emma,

I am sorry to hear you are feeling this way mate and hopefully your doc will help you next week.

It might help to shift your focus on to something positive for a while each day. What sort of things do you love to do? It will probably feel difficult to start with but if you can partake in some positive stuff for a while you will give your mind some rest. Do you exercise, have hobbies, spend some time in nature, catch up with friends or family? Give it your best shot to immerse yourself for at least half an hour, if you notice your mind starting to wander tell your self NO! For this half an hour I will stay focused on this, I can think about these things after, this is my time for a break. Some meditation could also help you a lot right now, it might not feel like it is helping at the time but it will.

Try not to feel like a failure if you need to go back on the meds, it is a journey Emma, you can have another crack at getting off them later. Hang in there, love to you.
