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Feeling paralysed
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It's three weeks since my Dr doubled my AD dose; the previous four weeks I might as well have been popping jelly beans for all the difference they made. Since that time I've had a couple of random bursts of feelings of wellbeing - just out of nowhere, and just for a couple of minutes - then gone.
Friday last week was actually a good day - I felt somehow lighter, clearer in the head, more positive, and feeling like I could potentially enjoy something. It lasted all day, but I was back to "normal' the next day. Today I feel rubbish - like I'm a complete blank, like I'm wading through molasses, like everything I do is an effort of will. I don't know if experiencing something better on Friday for the first time in decades is making the contrast with days like today more stark, or if today is actually worse than "normal". I just want the day to be over and for tomorrow to be better.
I don't know what I expect anyone else to say... I just wanted to tell someone I know would understand what I'm feeling. Blah.
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Dear BeeGee
Glad to read that you have had some relief. ADs are a bit like that. I had a tremendous feeling of well-being two days after I started ADs and it lasted several hours. I think my brain had the equivalent of shock treatment and went into overdrive. Don't know why meds work in this fashion. It would be useful to understand how they operate.
Having a good day is fantastic but when we go back to the same old same old it really is the pits. The positive to take out of this is that the meds are working, even they are only firing on some cylinders. The rest will catch up soon. Hang in there and the good times will roll.
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I know how u feel feel BeeGee. AD's can make u feel good sumtimes and not soo good the next it takes quite a while until they can really start helping. like 8 weeks so try and stick it out. I have sometimes felt glimmers of my old self and felt better and felt positive and then the next day its back to feeling depressed and/or numb again. It does help to talk about it and try and keep urself busy by doing activities that u used to enjoy. Watch a funny tv show. Anything so your not just thinking about ur depression. Maybe u need to have a follow up with ur GP and tell him/her how u fell and that u are having trouble coping. U may need to see a psycholoist or psychiatrist. I really hope u feel better. Im here if u need to talk Take care x
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Thanks Chloekat. It helps to know that you've had a similar experience. Part of my problem is that I've been depressed and undiagnosed for so long (33 years I reckon) that I don't know any more what I enjoy, and unfortunately the study I am doing at the moment is so intense there's virtually no time for leisure anyway. I can't let up with that or I will fail, which means an extra year of study and that's an extra year without income for my family... I just have to suck it up and try to keep everything together.
I'm having sessions with my GP and psychologist; the psych is helping but it's slow progress and it's mostly "big picture" sorts of things rather than ironing out day-at-a-time speed bumps. He is currently working on having me schedule some pleasure activities but I've got to say that is a real challenge - not only am I time poor, I also don't know what to do with myself. I guess I'm still such a novice at dealing with depression instead of ignoring it/pretending it's not there/acting normal. Being more aware of it is making it harder in the short term, I just have to have faith that in the long term it will pay off.
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Often the hardest step is realizing we suffer from these illnesses. I didnt know you were part of a trial/test. I really hope ur psych helps you with some of your issues as mine does with mine. Please try and keep a positive attitude it can be hard sometimes but it can often help. Its unfortunate u have suffered for soo long without it being diagnosed. That must have been a really tough time for you. I give u all my well wishes and hope u feel better soon xxx
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Sorry Chloekat, when I said "study" I didn't mean a clinical trial - I'm studying at uni atm. Doesn't give me much time to have a life.
Of course I could stop procrastinating by getting off BB for a while! But you are all such wonderful people...
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oh ok then sorry i got that wrong BeeGee. Hope all is going well for u now Take care x