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Feeling like doctors aren't taking me seriously

Community Member

So around a year or two ago I went through a pretty tough time with Health Anxiety. Almost every other day I'd be worrying about something new that I thought I had, and because of this I went into my local GP probably around 50 times in a few months for various things, 99% of which ended up being nothing.

One thing that I did suspect I had that did end up being true was Nasal Polyps, I had a CT scan done and it showed that I had extensive nasal polyps.

Anyways, since then I've gotten a lot better, I've gone to the GP maybe 2 or 3 times this year, but all for things I 100% knew I had and needed to get treatment for, but I can't help but think that the doctors take one look at my medical history and see the huge shopping list of things I've come in for and just discount what I'm telling them as just being another small thing I'm making a big deal out of.

The reason I mentioned my Nasal Polyps is because recently, I've had one giving me discomfort. I went into my GP yesterday, they took a look at it, and said it was a "Small nasal polyp" after around 15 seconds of looking at it. All in all, they gave me some over the counter nasal spray and had me on my way in under a minute.
Today, it started bleeding, so of course I did what you should not do if you have Health Anxiety and I googled my symptoms, and of course one of the things Google says it could be is cancer. Great, now I'm very worried.
So I go back into my GP today, I see a different doctor, and they look at it for around 15 seconds, say the same thing (that it's a small nasal polyp) and say that it 'doesn't look like anything nefarious', and prescribe me a ointment to treat infections which is supposedly what is causing the bleeding.

The thing is, when it's something like this that could be cancer, I'd really like a doctor to take a proper look at it and tell me for sure that it isn't. If there's even a slight chance that it could be I would want to find out ASAP so I can get it treated ASAP.

I know they are doctors and are medical professionals that know a LOT more than I do about this kind of stuff, but I can't help but have my doubts. I don't want to bother them any more than I already have, they've probably spent more money and time on treating me than some people who actually need treatment, but I can't help but want another opinion.

I was thinking about going to a specialist, but they're expensive.

Does anyone feel a similar way about their GPs? I don't know what to do.

3 Replies 3

Community Member

Feeling ignored by GPs is so bad. Have you tried being more direct with them? Saying that you want this looked at properly by a specialist? Or telling them just how worried you are? If so and they are still ignoring you then you may want to seek a new GP.

Health anxiety is so horrible! I used to have it but thankfully I’m passed it now.

Community Member
The bleeding is the main thing that concerns me, and the doctors saying it's just a nasal polyp doesn't give me as much relief as I'd expect, it's almost as if I'm expecting it to be something bad so when they say it isn't I don't believe them, I don't know.

Just to be sure I paid for an online doctor and told them all my symptoms, and they said that Nasal Polyps do occasionally bleed. That's three doctor's opinions that say it's just nasal polyps, now.

I think at this point, I'm just going to wait and see if the bleeding stops, and if it doesn't I'll try and get in to see a specialist and make sure I let them know how concerned I am.

Yeah, health anxiety really sucks 😞 The few months I had it were torture, pretty much every minute I was awake was spent worrying about my health and hyper-focusing on symptoms, it was really miserable. I too have gotten past it, but it still pops back up from time to time, although nowhere near as severe.

Thanks for the response 🙂

Community Member
That’s a great idea to wait and see. That’s what ended up curing my health anxiety - I was fine after waiting and seeing!!
I hope the bleeding stops for you soon 🙂