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Dissociative disorder

Community Member

I have a dissociative disorder. Nothing works really . Multiple medications and therapies. Many $$$ later, no govt supports mental health. I want to give up.

4 Replies 4

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Wreckless

Welcome to the forums.

I am not sure why it would be you are not getting any government support to help you recieve treatment.

I admit I don't know much about dissociative disorder, what the treatments are et cetera, except what I learned from someone years ago, so that info may be out-of-date anyway.

So, I just wanted to welcome you here, & assure you this is a safe place to talk about what you are experiencing.



Medicare 10 sessions rebate.Sorry minimal support. I need a little more than 10 sessions a year but thanks for answering my post. I prefer to feed my children. I'd rather they survive.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Wreckless


It's just so unfair how someone can try so hard so often and for so long and feel themself not making the kind of progress that brings a sense of hope and relief. To do it all with limited resources (money, people who make a difference, those who can relate and so much more) makes it all even harder.


Wondering if you've ever done a load of research yourself. I've found the thing with research is it's a matter of what I type into the search engine on my laptop. To name a few examples, so you know where I'm coming from

  1. If I type in 'Is there a cure for MS (multiple sclerosis)', I'll get a whole stack of depressing sites that all state there is no cure, yet if I type in 'The man who cured himself of MS' Professor George Jalinek's name comes up (a man who has produced some mind blowing results regarding MS, results not many people know about)
  2. If I type in 'Am I going mad', a stack of results will come up that tell me about a lot of the depressing and scary symptoms of psychosis or something along those lines. What also comes up, way down the list, is a site that speaks of shifts in consciousness that lead a person to believe they're going mad, something altogether different
  3. If I put 'Crazy' or 'Wise' into the search engine, it's going to give me a whole stack of words associated with either one but if I put 'Crazywise' in, it'll come us with an incredible documentary that speaks to how indigenous cultures view and manage what appears as mental health issues, far differently from how they're typically viewed and managed in our society

I know it may not help but I've found a lot of the answers I've searched for over the years, in regard to some serious mental health challenges, are answers I've found outside the square. Sometimes the ones inside the square don't work for everyone or aren't entirely relatable.

Thanks. Research. Hmm I have a degree in psychology trying to understand my split brain . Im here for my kids. The oldest is now 18. Nobe if this is helpful