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GP providing counselling

Community Member

Hi everyone,


I saw a new GP the other week for a mental health check in. I wanted to start on medication after years of therapy. The GP suggested medication, but also said they wanted me to return to them weekly for a while to do counselling with them. Is this something GP’s can provide? I’ve never heard of this before and thought GP’s could only refer on to psychologists and psychiatrists. I would love to know if other people have experienced counselling sessions with their GP. 

1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Burger07,


A very warm and caring welcome to our forums…


My GP. also provides me with counselling, she has had mental health training as well…I think some Doctors, GP’s do mental health as an added part of their learning when studying to become the awesome Doctors they are…

I found I was very comfortable talking to my Dr about my mental health diagnosis…


I did have a few counsellors and a psychiatrist when I was suicidal who were recommended to me by my GP….but since I’ve been more able to manage those darker thought, my GP does my mental health counselling now…


I think, give your GP a try and see how you feel about it…you can alway ask him/her for a psychologist or counsellor if you feel they are not helping you as much as you would like to be helped….


I hope this helps..


My kindest thoughts Dear Burger07..
