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Is it all a joke?

Community Member

Stigmatisation and abuse seem to be the cross you have to bear ALONG WITH whatever mental health struggles you have. It is unbearable. It can be even worse and more damaging than the illness itself.

It is so widespread, it seems to me that for some reason our society NEEDS to abuse and stigmatise those who are suffering. It seems to make 'normal' folk feel good about themselves. It happens in the street, in the family, at school, at work...

What 'society' claims to provide as 'support' for people with mental health crises, seems to me to be largely empty words. The 'support' publicly advertised is not delivered (personally, I have been lied to over and over about what to expect and what I am entitled to), or delivered haphazardly. Stigma is the way of this world, even within the structures and amongst professionals ostensibly there for help.

The words of hope seem to be a gloss to deflect criticism from those who have the good fortune of having good mental health... it creates a false perception that compassionate help IS available to all.

It is a very different story and experience if you are the one (or care about someone) who needs genuine help. Stigma still rules.

Stigma kills

1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

I deeply empathize with the painful experience you describe. The stigma surrounding mental health issues can indeed compound the suffering they cause. A friend posted on FB about something that happened to her - was sworn at among other insults. On the other side, I also  believe progress is being made, albeit slowly. More people are speaking out.  Must not lose hope. And frustration can be turned into motivation to improve how our society supports mental health.