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Guest_9043 Therapy. Struggling and need some tips.
  • replies: 2

Hi, I have just begun therapy. Second session today. I am committed to seeing this all through. It's incredibly hard work in and outside of therapy. Thankfully I have a supportive partner. I feel though I don't want to hang it all in my partner, that... View more

Hi, I have just begun therapy. Second session today. I am committed to seeing this all through. It's incredibly hard work in and outside of therapy. Thankfully I have a supportive partner. I feel though I don't want to hang it all in my partner, that us not fair to either of us nor our relationship. In the meantime I struggle with no other supports. I take medication and nothing else can be done there. I don't have any friends so I don't have supportive friendships at this point. I do a lot of self care and self soothing. I do take time out from all of it when it is just too much. That's the things I do at the moment. I had a severe breakdown almost three weeks ago and I'm still in recovery. I work for myself but that has taken a backseat. I miss working a lot. I am just taking it real slow with that. The stuff I am dealing with in therapy us very messy and complex. Severe abuse from my only three family members whom I no longer have any contact with. My therapy is about me and healing me. Still though it's been recent that I cut contact with the remains two so there is complicated ambiguous grief. That's just a small snapshot of therapy. I will continue on with my current therapist. My struggles are not enough support nor knowing what I need to do. My head is already so full of stuff and I just manage to barely get through on some days. I have a lot on my plate, by myself. I would like to hear if any other viable solutions for a person that is time poor so I can feel more supported. Thanks.

Charli2099 Is this CBT?
  • replies: 1

So I have depression & anxiety. I saw my psychologist yesterday and he is getting me to link positive thoughts/sentences with things I do each day. Eg when brushing teeth I need to think of something positive and say it to myself. Is this CBT?

So I have depression & anxiety. I saw my psychologist yesterday and he is getting me to link positive thoughts/sentences with things I do each day. Eg when brushing teeth I need to think of something positive and say it to myself. Is this CBT?

Equalitysmiles Variations in treatment practice
  • replies: 1

Hi All, Our situation here, is one of rest and recovery and the bush is regenerating. Where the fire was they are getting in and getting things done. So u get out of the way. The next town where it was horrible, its sad, there was only one house lost... View more

Hi All, Our situation here, is one of rest and recovery and the bush is regenerating. Where the fire was they are getting in and getting things done. So u get out of the way. The next town where it was horrible, its sad, there was only one house lost. People there need to be heard at this time. And knowing that other people care, for them makes a huge difference. As does, knowing people care about me. And that is not always the case we are on the receiving of, sometimes there is just such an absence of care. So care within is important at this time, to know Care and that we are cared about, but also others cared about to and we care about our nation. Sometimes people that care and give care, can get exhausted to. Along with the doctors and professionals. The tests I did turned out negative, which is good. But it also leaves unanswered questions. And because there is unanswered questions that prevents being able to do anything about our medical situation at this time, its not easy. Because u have to take a very careful approach, to prevent injury, and adding to our list of disabilities we already have. In other words making it worse. Because of the virus at this time, it makes people learn about the immune system and also how important that is for good health, and mental health. Ptsd is just everywhere, but we also have what we need to deal with that as a nation, and that is to remain calm and patient and know we can get through things on our own and together. I can't give much support at this time, because of what we need to live. But when we get our needs met, then we can be more of a support to others. So we have learnt the importance of knowing and accepting our limitations. And knowing and accepting, when life gives to us no limitations its amazing, cause of care and meeting needs. Take care all at this time, and I hope people remember to have a lovely day. When we live a life that is difficult we learn to appreciate what really matters and keep that focused and let go of what doesn't matter. Es

Zephyr360 Medication Tapper.
  • replies: 12

Hi : ) I have been taking antidepresants for five years. So five years ago i was suffering from work burn out, i was working 80 hrs a weeks, living on red bull and eating really badley. I worked in remote desert region so not much mental health suppo... View more

Hi : ) I have been taking antidepresants for five years. So five years ago i was suffering from work burn out, i was working 80 hrs a weeks, living on red bull and eating really badley. I worked in remote desert region so not much mental health support etc. i burnt out. I decided to go back to my hometown for some rest and take six months off, but going to my family home just didnt work, they couldnt or wouldnt understand why i wasnt working. This put alot of pressure on me to go back to work but i just couldnt. A few months later a close mate ended his life. This really broke me. I went to the doctors for “ help “ i said i just cant feel good at all etc etc etc.. and he probably should of said- go away eat more fruit n veg, take some time off work, meditate, listen to music, go bush walking etc.. but No, he said i should take medication, this medication just did not agree with me at all, it gave me energy for about 2 months, but what go’s up must come down! I stayed on it for around 9 months. I then went to a different doctor and he said another medication is great & helping heaps of people, i said ok reluctantly & stayed on those with similar & worse side effects to the other medication for around 2 years. At that point i hadnt worked, i was thinking of ending my life, my wife was sick of me and my rage, i became very angry.. i was a hard working, funny, active guy that loved his wife more than anything & now was a pretty terrible man to be around. I went and saw the local mental health team and they took me straight off medication without tappering and put me on a new medication. This nearly killed me. I lost my mind, went nuts & wanted to end it. Fastforward.. i have been on this medication for around 3 years now, and scared spitless to finish the tapper.

Kath-R-Tick Unsure if my Psychologist isn't the right fit me or I just don't like the advice
  • replies: 5

Hi group, After struggling a long time I went and saw my GP for help. They have started me on SSRI's for anxiety and depression and gave me a referral to see a psychologist. Many I that were suggested to me were not accepting new patients and I could... View more

Hi group, After struggling a long time I went and saw my GP for help. They have started me on SSRI's for anxiety and depression and gave me a referral to see a psychologist. Many I that were suggested to me were not accepting new patients and I couldn't find a whole lot of information/reviews about many of them, but either way I was turned away by many of the more reputable places. In the end I found a lady and had the initial consult. It went alright. We touched on some things but didn't really probe deeper, she gave me some CBT advice and booked the next session. I wasn't sure what to expect. We didn't really click so to speak but I thought I'd give it another go. This last session, I felt like I wasn't really understood. I feel overly emotional, tearing up at farewells for people I don't know when their boss says a few generic nice words, she says she thinks it's actually sweet and asked why I think it's a problem. I tried to explain that I couldn't find the source of the emotion and it was kinda embarrassing to cry at work or in public for things that even people who are related to the events aren't sad about. I mentioned that often when things are happy I cry and feel sad, no happy tears. After some discussion she sort of state I could just drug myself to not have feelings if that's what I really wanted, otherwise being sad is just something I would have to learn to cope with and eventually this phase will pass. I feel like she didn't understand what I want to achieve, but I'm not sure if I'm just reacting to being told that I'm probably going to cry sadly about things uncontrollably and it's significantly bothers me, or if I really was misunderstood and maybe I should find help elsewhere? She's a lovely person, but I don't know if she really gets me, and as I am I don't know how to even approach the question or say maybe she's not for me and let her know that? What if she feels bad? I don't want to make her feel like she's doing a bad job if she isn't...

Missmay97 The first step
  • replies: 3

I found out I was pregnant, due in April 2020, in November 2019 I found out at 20 weeks my baby had extreme abnormalities and would not survive. At 21 weeks I birthed my baby, she was stillborn, born without life. I haven’t seeked any help yet as I d... View more

I found out I was pregnant, due in April 2020, in November 2019 I found out at 20 weeks my baby had extreme abnormalities and would not survive. At 21 weeks I birthed my baby, she was stillborn, born without life. I haven’t seeked any help yet as I don’t know where to begin. I don’t want to talk about it because it hurts, but I’m not coping well. My sister is due with her first baby in a few weeks, my friend at work is newly pregnant and my boss is having his baby this month. There are so many triggers and I don’t know how to handle it. I usually just end up crying all day and sleeping. I’m still working to try and stay busy but it’s becoming too much to handle and I’m ready to quit. Everyone thinks I’m so strong because I returned to work and they only see my happy face, on the inside I’m screaming for help. I have no answers as to why my baby was different and I have no answers of it happening again. I’m digging myself into a hole by not seeking help. I need to know where to start. I guess this is the first step?

Bella_G Looking for anxiety support groups
  • replies: 2

Are there any meet up groups in Melbourne western or northern suburbs. It would be helpful to talk to others experiencing the same health issues. Anyone know of any groups? 40-50 year Olds?

Are there any meet up groups in Melbourne western or northern suburbs. It would be helpful to talk to others experiencing the same health issues. Anyone know of any groups? 40-50 year Olds?

CactusCookie CBT, ACT, Mindfulness, Oh My! What next to try?
  • replies: 4

Greetings I am interested in reading the experiences or thoughts of others in regard to types of therapy. I have been living with depression and anxiety for over twenty years and started my journey toward recovery around seven years ago. I used to ap... View more

Greetings I am interested in reading the experiences or thoughts of others in regard to types of therapy. I have been living with depression and anxiety for over twenty years and started my journey toward recovery around seven years ago. I used to approach it with the aim of getting rid of it, but I am slowly accepting that I will probably be managing the symptoms for the longer term. I have tried a handful of different types of therapy, and medication. I used to have a lovely GP, but they have stopped practicing. So far I have tried CBT, Schema Therapy and ACT. I’ve had counselling where I talk about what is happening and how I’m managing it and they just flood me with abundant reassurance. I’ve kept structured and unstructured journals. Practiced mindfulness and the gamut of frequently recommended lifestyle adjustments. What next? I’d be interested to read about people’s experiences with therapy that isn’t CBT or ACT. Love it? Hate it? What have you tried? I have read recently about Narrative Therapy, for example. Anyone tried it? Thanks for your time

Alleycat73 Health Plan - Change of GP for review?
  • replies: 2

Hi - My GP was on holidays last year - so I went to a local clinic (different to his) and the GP there gave me a mental health plan. It's time for renewal - and I'm wondering how I can transfer it to my regular GP for the review? I know if it was in ... View more

Hi - My GP was on holidays last year - so I went to a local clinic (different to his) and the GP there gave me a mental health plan. It's time for renewal - and I'm wondering how I can transfer it to my regular GP for the review? I know if it was in the same clinic i could have another GP there - but it's an entirely different place - and I don't really want to go back to the "fill in GP" for maintaining this. Thanks - I tried to find a post like this - but could only find ones about changing Psychologists during the plan

WokingOnIt Therapy as a "crutch" and what that might mean
  • replies: 6

Hello All. What does the idea of "using therapy (or a therapist) as a crutch" mean to you? Is it a always a bad thing? My therapist has said this to me multiple times - that he doesn't want to and can't be a crutch, and I have been pondering the mean... View more

Hello All. What does the idea of "using therapy (or a therapist) as a crutch" mean to you? Is it a always a bad thing? My therapist has said this to me multiple times - that he doesn't want to and can't be a crutch, and I have been pondering the meaning of that. I can see his point (I think - I still need to ask him to clarify exactly what his point is) but after all, a crutch is mighty handy when you have a broken leg and it is healing but you still need to get around. I fully intend to have a proper conversation with him about it next session - but I am curious as to what other people think about it in the meantime.