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Guest_5218 EMDR Therapy for PTSD and Anxiety - is it effective?
  • replies: 4

Hello. I am trying to come to grips with the effects of PTSD and associated anxiety. I have had this for 19 years now, but have only this year sought treatment for it. I completed a block of 10 lengthy and highly distressing sessions of Exposure Ther... View more

Hello. I am trying to come to grips with the effects of PTSD and associated anxiety. I have had this for 19 years now, but have only this year sought treatment for it. I completed a block of 10 lengthy and highly distressing sessions of Exposure Therapy (together with CBT) over a 3 month period around mid year. I think finally talking to someone about my long-ago traumatic experience has helped in some ways. A problem shared is a problem halved? Not sure I agree with that, but there could be something to it. Anyway getting to my reason for this post. Is there anybody out there who has any experience with EMDR therapy? My psychologist is not very happy with the results from our other therapy so far and believes more needs to be done. Her words were: "I think we can get more habituation to your memory, and so I would like to try a treatment approach called EMDR to see if we can get a bit more traction and ramp it down a bit more". Sounds like psych speak to me! I was left feeling very much 'up in the air' or 'in limbo' after completing the other therapy. I feel like it finished way too soon, and I wasnt ready to finish up. I felt almost let down and abandoned when she told me we were finished! The triggers, nightmares and anxiety are all still there, if perhaps slightly reduced in intensity. Although I do have an anniversary coming up in Feb, and everything is always worse then. So when I get an additional 10 sessions next year under my mental health plan I want to know everything I can on therapy options. Therefore I would appreciate hearing about your experience with EMDR. Is it a natural progression to move from Exposure Therapy and/or CBT to EMDR? For what purpose was it recommended for you? What actually is it? How many sessions are required? What was it like for you? Do you think it helped? I believe there are several different methods of how it can be conducted, what method was used on you? If you have any other relevant information or tips, please pass that on too, as I'd appreciate knowing all I can about it. For example, how best to prepare for the treatment and to make it work for you. I have all this stuff churning through my head, and I'm trying to sort it all out. Your advice would help. Sherie xx

Bluey_moon Experience with SSRI
  • replies: 3

Hi, Has anyone ever experienced forgetfulness and a kinda brain fog, and thoughts kinda vanishing away, like train of thought! Does that make sense? Maybe it's my thoughts starting to slow down, which isn't a bad thing?! skye

Hi, Has anyone ever experienced forgetfulness and a kinda brain fog, and thoughts kinda vanishing away, like train of thought! Does that make sense? Maybe it's my thoughts starting to slow down, which isn't a bad thing?! skye

Felicity What's a sensible way of using sleeping pills for insomnia?
  • replies: 2

I've had persistent insomnia for about 8 weeks now, and Ive been doing all kinds of things to try to deal with it. But I still have insomnia. If i take a sleeping pill or anxiety pill i can sleep for 6 or seven hours, though not for sure. If i don't ... View more

I've had persistent insomnia for about 8 weeks now, and Ive been doing all kinds of things to try to deal with it. But I still have insomnia. If i take a sleeping pill or anxiety pill i can sleep for 6 or seven hours, though not for sure. If i don't take anything i might sleep for 5 or 6 hours or , like last night, about 3. When i have so little sleep i easily get overwhelmed and confused and fall into negative thinking / crying easily. Things just feel too difficult and i feel very tired and a bit hopeless. Does anyone out there have a good stategy regarding using sleeping pills/anxiety medication to help with sleep. I dont want to get addicted physically or psychologically to sleeping medication. But i dont want to be cruel to myself either. So i wonder, what do you do? Like, do you have a rule of thumb about when to take medication ? eg 'If im not asleep by 1 am I will take something' Or do you take medication on Mon, Wed, and Fri, during an ongoing period of insomnia? Or , what do you do? Sometimes i just take a pill on the grounds that i feel I cant face another night like the one the night before, but i think it might be better to have a different approach...less desperate The thing is I dont want to be dependent on medication, but i don't want to make myself suffer and i know that insomnia leads to greater anxiety and sadness ( and the risk of depression, which I fear, having been there before). Any strategies anyone?

fatima turning insecurity into confidence - suggestions for succesful treatments?
  • replies: 11

hi i am terribly insecure deep inside and the more I read/think, I come to the conclusion that I just cant let myself be succesfull and feel confident. I really want to fix this as it is repeatedly throwing me into disarray. Reading the internet, the... View more

hi i am terribly insecure deep inside and the more I read/think, I come to the conclusion that I just cant let myself be succesfull and feel confident. I really want to fix this as it is repeatedly throwing me into disarray. Reading the internet, there are so many different therapies and i have tried some before (esp cbt) but this was not helping. I can understand the theory but cant change the 'worthless feeling'. Is there anyone that has succeeded and would you mind sharing how? I am happy to invest in therapy, programs etc but am just worried that most is just a 'grab for money' instead of real. E.g. i read some on that sounds interesting but then again...maybe its just a moneypit. TIA

Guest_2350 Side effects increased medication
  • replies: 8

Hello, my meds were gradually increased to a double dose in the last three weeks. I started a higher dose again on Tuesday. I feel absolutely rotten. I had some side effects before, but I just feel exhausted, I am dreaming a lot and I have joint pain... View more

Hello, my meds were gradually increased to a double dose in the last three weeks. I started a higher dose again on Tuesday. I feel absolutely rotten. I had some side effects before, but I just feel exhausted, I am dreaming a lot and I have joint pain and everything seems to be so heavy. I have a dull headache that painkillers can not cure. I seem to be worse in the morning, I take my meds in the morning and then gradually inprove until the early afternoon. It is a real struggle. What should I do? Is this normal? Will it just go away?

Lookingforpeace To medicate or not to medicate
  • replies: 9

Hi all i have had depression/anxiety for almost a year now (well, this time around anyway). I've been so proactive about my mental health - seeing a psychologist, meditating, yoga and exercise. I'm definitely better than I was a few months ago and th... View more

Hi all i have had depression/anxiety for almost a year now (well, this time around anyway). I've been so proactive about my mental health - seeing a psychologist, meditating, yoga and exercise. I'm definitely better than I was a few months ago and the time in between depressive episodes is getting longer. But when I do have a bad few days, such as the last few, I feel like giving in and turning to medication. I absolutely don't have anything against medication, but I am anxious about taking it (ironic I know). I'm scared about: Side effects feeling like a failure by needing it it being a "quick fix" or bandaid solution Also, if I take medication, what happens when I come off it? Will I go back to being depressed? And for those of you that take it - does it actually help? Or do you still have bad days? Because I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the idea of taking medication if I'm still going to have bad days anyway, I may aswell not take it. Would love to get your thoughts. Thanks LFP

Nicole85 Anyone on medication while breastfeeding?
  • replies: 4

Hi, I am trying to decide if I should take medication while I am breastfeeding my 6 month old. Have done so much research on it ie SSRI antidepresssant. But I don't want to harm my baby at all. She still gets up once or twice a night so I don't get a... View more

Hi, I am trying to decide if I should take medication while I am breastfeeding my 6 month old. Have done so much research on it ie SSRI antidepresssant. But I don't want to harm my baby at all. She still gets up once or twice a night so I don't get a long period of time between feeds so she would get a high dosage of it.

Bluey_moon Anxiety and Ocd medication
  • replies: 2

Hi, I'm not sure how to ask this question, so I'm just going to go ahead and ask. Are anti-psychotics ever used in the treatment of Ocd and anxiety?

Hi, I'm not sure how to ask this question, so I'm just going to go ahead and ask. Are anti-psychotics ever used in the treatment of Ocd and anxiety?

Blakey86 Here we go again
  • replies: 6

Hi all. I lay here wide awake with worry at 4am. Long story short..... 6 years ago i suffered from bad health anxiety which naturally lead to depression. 2 years ago i went on AD which completely made me free. However after a few life stressors and 3... View more

Hi all. I lay here wide awake with worry at 4am. Long story short..... 6 years ago i suffered from bad health anxiety which naturally lead to depression. 2 years ago i went on AD which completely made me free. However after a few life stressors and 3 week old baby I have found myself back down this dark hole. I now have am issue with an inflamed prostate which apparently is a end result of anxiety and stress. Im taking the dive again however im terrefied of the adjustment phase. My anxiety tripled, I had several weeks off work which I can't really afford and my wife and new son needs me. I feel so alone. I know I should be feelig happy my son is here but im so tied up in my own issues. I know i need to do the meds, just so scared to start.

Bluey_moon How effective are SSRI at treating anxiety and OCD
  • replies: 8

I am on an SSRI for GAD and obsessive thinking. I've been in them for about four weeks, I thought I was noticing some improvement but then bam the anxiety and obsessive thoughts are back. We are trailing a dose increase starting tomorrow. Am I impati... View more

I am on an SSRI for GAD and obsessive thinking. I've been in them for about four weeks, I thought I was noticing some improvement but then bam the anxiety and obsessive thoughts are back. We are trailing a dose increase starting tomorrow. Am I impatient, or expecting too much?