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Egg_Head serotonin syndrome
  • replies: 10

Hi all, I have been having problems sleeping for many years and I have blamed it on the anti depressants I was prescribed. My new doctor agrees they may be the cause and has given me a new anti depressant medication with sedative properties to take a... View more

Hi all, I have been having problems sleeping for many years and I have blamed it on the anti depressants I was prescribed. My new doctor agrees they may be the cause and has given me a new anti depressant medication with sedative properties to take at night to help with sleep. They work well but I feel angry all the time; like I want to tell everybody to ...., well you can guess. I wonder if I am taking too much of the same type of medication as both have a similar effect on serotonin levels. I’m wondering if I may have a mild serotonin syndrome. It feels to me as I’m swapping one set of symptoms for another. The Pharmacist agrees with me it takes very little medication to have a big effect on me as I’m taking a very low dose of both medications. When I spoke to the Pharmacist he suggested I wean myself off the first anti-depressant and eventually take only the new one; all under my doctors guidance of cause. Have any of you had similar experiences?

Kittyg Can medication help derealisation??
  • replies: 3

Hi there, I would really love to hear if anyone has had success taking medication/antidepressants for a dissociation disorder? Or even anyone who experiences this condition? Over the past 2 years I have experienced quite bad episodes of anxiety and d... View more

Hi there, I would really love to hear if anyone has had success taking medication/antidepressants for a dissociation disorder? Or even anyone who experiences this condition? Over the past 2 years I have experienced quite bad episodes of anxiety and depression. Currently my mood and my life is great and I can handle anxiety a lot better now... but I have this horrible brain fog that is bringing me down to rock bottom again. Most days I feel as though I am living in a dream state and its horribly depressing. I am currently traveling around Canada and intend to stay here and work for a year. The problem is I feel as though I wouldn't even be able to start a new job because my brain is so foggy. It really is upsetting because I just want to enjoy my time here... but I feel like its such a struggle with this derealsation -if thats what I even have? I feel quite lost and helpless and I have made a doctors appointment...but I am wondering if going on anti depressents will even help? It has always been my last resort and I would rather not go on them...but if anyone thinks its a good idea or if it will help then maybe I should? Feeling lost.

blink-- Support groups information needed
  • replies: 2

Hey everyone, i qas just wondering are there any anxiety support groups ? My anxiety is quite debilitating in some ways and causes depression. I'd love to hear how you handle it and if there are any support groups around Melbourne

Hey everyone, i qas just wondering are there any anxiety support groups ? My anxiety is quite debilitating in some ways and causes depression. I'd love to hear how you handle it and if there are any support groups around Melbourne

gnomadicmind Hyperhydrosis aka sweating without much exertion due to AD's
  • replies: 5

Does anyone experience Hyperhydrosis or sweating profusely due to anti depressants? I've tried many AD's over the years and always have the same problem. Sweating excessively. It's quite embarrassing at this time of the year when sweat is streaming d... View more

Does anyone experience Hyperhydrosis or sweating profusely due to anti depressants? I've tried many AD's over the years and always have the same problem. Sweating excessively. It's quite embarrassing at this time of the year when sweat is streaming down your face and it's winter! My psych has discussed tricyclics with me as they apparently have less of an effect re Hyperhydrosis, but I'm not in a place where I can start mucking around with my current regime. I can't risk having a depressive episode from stopping what I'm on and starting something new. Maybe in a few months, but not right now. Has anyone else had this issue? What was your solution, if any? Just doing a short walk makes me break out in a heavy sweat and it's difficult to explain to people. It also means I don't/can't exercise as much as I would like and should. I have tried Nosweat. It does work but makes my scalp and face extremely itchy as I also have sensitive skin. I can use it everywhere except my scalp and face with good effects though. Thanks

Simply_Lost Why do I lie to my psychotherapist?
  • replies: 5

I always seem to get into a 'zone' where I tell my treating doctors/psych's how I wish it were, instead of how it really is. This doesn't solve any of my problems, rather making them worse. How do I overcome this? Do I need to see another psychologis... View more

I always seem to get into a 'zone' where I tell my treating doctors/psych's how I wish it were, instead of how it really is. This doesn't solve any of my problems, rather making them worse. How do I overcome this? Do I need to see another psychologist to overcome the pretend life I depict to my current psychotherapist? Why has this all become so hard?

JJ_Frankie Husband taking medication while trying to conceive
  • replies: 3

Hi, I was wondering where I can find information about medication? My husband has been diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder and has been taking medication every day for the last 6 months. We would like to start trying for a baby but I want to know ... View more

Hi, I was wondering where I can find information about medication? My husband has been diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder and has been taking medication every day for the last 6 months. We would like to start trying for a baby but I want to know the side effects of this drug while conceiving. Such as will it affect a newborn baby, how long does this drug take to get out of your system. Other than our GP and my husbands Psychiatrist. I want to get additional professional advice, the cold hard facts, not just a doctors response of “it should be ok”. Thank you

Pen Side Effects
  • replies: 3

Hi I am supporting a loved one with Depression and Severe Anxiety. I have suffered from mild anxiety and have had a couple of depression episodes thankfully they were short. My loved one became depressed 6mths ago so we started a program of exercise,... View more

Hi I am supporting a loved one with Depression and Severe Anxiety. I have suffered from mild anxiety and have had a couple of depression episodes thankfully they were short. My loved one became depressed 6mths ago so we started a program of exercise, mindfulness, eating healthy, self-help books and professional therapy and although this did have a positive effect a upset at work caused a major setback so a antidepressant medication was prescribed. After 2 weeks there was a vast improvement but then he stopped sleeping and developed severe anxiety. More medications were prescribed one to help sleep and one to calm. The puzzling thing is that he feels normal around 7pm until bed time A this time he takes antidepressant and the anti psychotic. when he wakes he is anxious and has constant panic attacks all day until about 7pm. After advice the solution was to increase the dose of antidepressant but there has been no real improvement in 2 weeks and he feels that he has reached breaking point. After some research i have found that one of the possible side effects of the antidepressant is anxiety panic attack's So I am eager to hear from anyone with a similar experience.

Legacy Mental Health History and Life Insurance
  • replies: 4

Apologies in advance if this is a bit dark. I've often wondered about the suicide clause in Life Insurance policies. Most state they'll cover you after the 13 month period, but is this voided if you have/had pre-existing MH history? Just wanted to ke... View more

Apologies in advance if this is a bit dark. I've often wondered about the suicide clause in Life Insurance policies. Most state they'll cover you after the 13 month period, but is this voided if you have/had pre-existing MH history? Just wanted to keep this one short and to the point, if anyone know's or works in insurance I'd be interested to know. Cheers, Legacy

HannahG Schema Therapy
  • replies: 3

Has anyone had experience with Schema therapy? I have anxiety disorders and intrusive thoughts due to a bit of childhood trauma. My Psychologist is starting Schema next week. I can't see much on the net unless it involves borderline personality disor... View more

Has anyone had experience with Schema therapy? I have anxiety disorders and intrusive thoughts due to a bit of childhood trauma. My Psychologist is starting Schema next week. I can't see much on the net unless it involves borderline personality disorder. I don't have BPD. Was just after comments on others experiences with Schema amd anxiety disorders.

HenryG Public Inpatient Treatment?
  • replies: 3

Hi, I experience quite severe depression and feel that I could really benefit from an inpatient treatment program. I am aware there are quite a few private facilities offering this but they don't often list the expenses involved. Does anyone know if ... View more

Hi, I experience quite severe depression and feel that I could really benefit from an inpatient treatment program. I am aware there are quite a few private facilities offering this but they don't often list the expenses involved. Does anyone know if there are any public inpatient programs and how to get in to one?