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Chloekat84 Anyone gone without taking their anti depressants for 3 days or more??? i need help :'(
  • replies: 10

Well i thought i had more tablets of my anti depressant than i had and went one day without it which wasnt so bad. I found a script at home but didnt look at the date and took it to the chemist yesterday to get it filled, it was my second day without... View more

Well i thought i had more tablets of my anti depressant than i had and went one day without it which wasnt so bad. I found a script at home but didnt look at the date and took it to the chemist yesterday to get it filled, it was my second day without it. The pharmicist said it was out of date and i looked at it and was right and i said i was going through withdrawl and really needed them and couldnt find a more recent prescription. They said they couldnt give me any and later in the arvo up until now i have had a bad migraine on one side of my head and i feel really light headed, neuseas and depressed. I have recently found the more recent script today and am going to get it filled today and start taking it this arvo. The problem is i still have a lot of cleaning to do and i have a house inspection tomorrow morning and am really struggling to clean or do anything :'( I wanted to know how long will it take for me to feel better when i start taking the tablets again. I really hope my landlord understands. Ive done a lot already but still need to do more to make it acceptable. Im really struggling and im snapping at my 4 year old daughter easily, I go from crying to anger really quickly. I desperately need help!

The_Possum Life expectancy
  • replies: 15

I've read that life expectancy for some mental health issues can be 9 to 17 years less than the average person. Is this correct?

I've read that life expectancy for some mental health issues can be 9 to 17 years less than the average person. Is this correct?

CJ7 A few questions from a newbie
  • replies: 4

Hello everyone, I finally build up the courage and went to a GP to get help with anxiety/depression. It was a lot quicker and less conversation than I had expected. And I have known for a long time now that I have anxiety and depression but he didn't... View more

Hello everyone, I finally build up the courage and went to a GP to get help with anxiety/depression. It was a lot quicker and less conversation than I had expected. And I have known for a long time now that I have anxiety and depression but he didn't confirm to me verbally that I do. I really wanted that diagnosis verbalised to me. Anyway he set up a Mental health plan for me. He referred me to a psychiatrist. On my referral he wrote "prolonged depression". But I still don't feel that confirmation of a diagnosis. - Will the psychiatrist discuss diagnosis with me? - I understand there is 6 session which after rebated through Medicare but how much is? Is it 6 free sessions or do they only refund partial? Thanks in advance.

ebony98 Bipolar and Medication
  • replies: 8

Hi, I have been seeing a new psychologist for the past 7 months and she told me that she concluded I have bipolar. She has not bought it up in the last sessions and perfers to focus on my moods. From what Ive read, I was wondering if medication has w... View more

Hi, I have been seeing a new psychologist for the past 7 months and she told me that she concluded I have bipolar. She has not bought it up in the last sessions and perfers to focus on my moods. From what Ive read, I was wondering if medication has worked for anyone with bipolar as I have read that this is usually the most effective treatment. I have not seen a change in myself and I have been trying, should I keep seeing her? Thank you

Oz85 Cognition, memory issues post medication withdrawal
  • replies: 1

Hi I got off medication on and off a month back. I used it for a duration of about 6 months (3-4 times a week before bed) mainly for sleeping issues. I had several jaw cramps that turned out to be due to low vitamin D around November 2016 which trigg... View more

Hi I got off medication on and off a month back. I used it for a duration of about 6 months (3-4 times a week before bed) mainly for sleeping issues. I had several jaw cramps that turned out to be due to low vitamin D around November 2016 which triggered health anxiety and sleep problems for me. I was prescribed medication to help me sleep which I took about 3/4 nights a week for sleep, until I noticed that it wasn't really helping sleep and my cognition was getting impaired. I tried taking one a week and so on, which didn't help, so I just stopped a month back on 26th of May. Since then I have had a myriad of symptoms but the most concerning of them happened this week when I started waking up with pounding heartbeats and mild chest and back tightness. I went to my GP and an ECG was taken which turned out fine. Next day, I got a call from the GP that I needed to go to the ER ASAP as my blood Potassium level was at 6.9. I rushed to the ER with my friend and what happened next scares me the most. While filling out the forms, I was asked for my DateOfBirth, I didn't think much of it. When I sat down with my friend he mentioned why did I say 19Jun1984 instead of 19Jun1985 - I obviously insisted I did no such thing. When I was taken away for another ECG and blood tests, I noticed that the tag indeed had 19Jun1984. This scares the hell out of me as I cannot think why I would have got the year wrong as 1984 instead of 1985. Could this be anxiety/panic, or something more sinister neurologically? I have had mild cognition issues while coming off the medication like rarely struggling to find words while speaking, and typing incorrectly on the computer at times. Should I be concerned that I got the year of birth wrong and insist on further checks? Incidentally, the potassium level turned out ok in the ER blood test, and the WCG was fine as well.

IamBradley Psychiatrists + Bulk Billing
  • replies: 3

I have been looking into psychiatrists atm and found The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists' website and their listings. Based on it, i was able to find a few that i feel may be suitable as they suggest that they "can bulk bill... View more

I have been looking into psychiatrists atm and found The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists' website and their listings. Based on it, i was able to find a few that i feel may be suitable as they suggest that they "can bulk bill selected patients" (which is something i'm hoping for, as i'm currently unemployed). I was just wondering if anyone knew what getting bulk billing generally was dependent on?

Raynor Changing psychologists with Medicare
  • replies: 3

I have a GP referral for initial 6 Medicare sessions with a particular psychologist but I've only used 3 of them. Does anyone know if that means my GP can refer me to a different psychologist for another 3+?

I have a GP referral for initial 6 Medicare sessions with a particular psychologist but I've only used 3 of them. Does anyone know if that means my GP can refer me to a different psychologist for another 3+?

Kelz83 online chat?
  • replies: 4

hi all sorry i havent been on much, i was wondering about the online chat here?? is it free as im currently not working so i cant afford a therapist if not can anyone point my in he direction of a free online service

hi all sorry i havent been on much, i was wondering about the online chat here?? is it free as im currently not working so i cant afford a therapist if not can anyone point my in he direction of a free online service

Plutonicmermaid I just finished my first counselling session.
  • replies: 2

I just got out of my first ever counselling session. It was really hard to explain my feelings and what was going on in my mind to her but I think she understood somewhat of what I was getting at. I feel so bad though, I feel worse I know she said th... View more

I just got out of my first ever counselling session. It was really hard to explain my feelings and what was going on in my mind to her but I think she understood somewhat of what I was getting at. I feel so bad though, I feel worse I know she said that it's normal to feel worse after your first session but I just want to burst into tears, I feel on edge and uneasy and feel like there is significant stuff I forgot to tell her. She was really nice and understanding but I'm really anxious now and nervous and I can't understand it. I have to go back to my doctor tomorrow as well and I can't stop thinking about that. Like what if she says my depression isn't as bad as I think or am overreacting. I hope I feel better soon. I just need to get this feeling out. Thanks for letting me share.

funnymouth I don't think any of the antidepressants I've been prescribed are helping me
  • replies: 8

I'm a young man who was diagnosed with depression about a year ago. I've been fighting it ever since and I am trying so hard to get back to where I was when I was younger.The problem I'm facing is that I don't think any of the antidepressants I've be... View more

I'm a young man who was diagnosed with depression about a year ago. I've been fighting it ever since and I am trying so hard to get back to where I was when I was younger.The problem I'm facing is that I don't think any of the antidepressants I've been prescribed are helping me. Changes in medication are due to me not really feeling better after 3 weeks of trying them.My concern is that I'm not taking the right medication to deal with my depression and that continuing to change medication like this won't help me effectively. I hate feeling this way everyday and I hate not enjoying anything and I really want to change that but right now I just don't know how. If any of you can help I would really appreciate it.